106 South North Street
The public library serving the information needs of the citizens of Garrett County. The Accident branch is located on the west side of the 219, next to Accident Town Hall.
Walk-In/Call-In Crisis Services Available 8AM-5PM Monday-Friday After Hours Crisis Services: (Inc...
Personal Health offers the following services: Immunization Services Routine adult and childhood...
Child Safety Seat Assistance Program Provides affordable convertible child safety seats to fami...
Garrett County Health Department WIC (Special Supplemental Nutrition Program for Women, Infants a...
Early Care Programs are voluntary home visitation services that empowers parents, at not cost, to...

Counseling Children LGBTQ+ Abused Persons Addiction Treatment Alcoholism Drug Abuse Hospitals and Health Services Pregnancy Childbirth Mental Health Services Sexual Assault Youth Services
Charlie Health’s virtual Intensive Outpatient Program (IOP) provides short-term, intensive mental...

We provide 24/7 phone support and peer support. We can respond to crisis Mon-Fri 7am-4pm. Extende...
Garrett County Lighthouse, Inc. is a private nonprofit behavioral health organization since 1992 ...
Established in 1993, Cornerstone Family Medicine has served the Garrett County region for over 30...

Drug Abuse Children Addiction Treatment Alcoholism LGBTQ+ Mental Health Services Youth Services Wellness Programs
As parents, caregivers and other loved ones caring for someone with substance use challenges, we ...
The mission of the Area Agency on Aging is to plan, coordinate and advocate for the development o...
The Area Agency on Aging operates 5 “Eating Together” congregate nutrition sites thro...
Area Agency on Aging
The Reading Station is a 501 (c)(3) non-profit organization located in Oakland, Maryland focused ...

The Western Maryland Consortium provides job training to qualified individuals who are unemployed...
Food Education Business Wellness Programs Children Agriculture Public Health Youth Services Diabetes
This mission of the Western Maryland Food Council is to bring together diverse stakeholders to in...
Maryland Access Point is a “one-stop” information service that provides individuals w...
Learning Beyond the Classroom will strive to meet three goals: Increase school readiness with fam...
The mission of Garrett County Community Action Committee, Inc., is to improve the quality of life...
The LCT works with parents, guardians, and other adults on children’s behalf. The purpose is to o...

Judy Center Mission: “Supporting Teachers, Children and Families in Achieving School Readi...
4-H is a nation-wide hands-on youth development program, the largest in the United States with ov...
Aging Populations Disabled Populations Alzheimer's Cancer Education Public Health Senior Citizen Services
Community First Choice is a program that provides assistance and support to enable older adults a...

Activities provided include recreation, homework assistance, service learning opportunities, ment...
Alzheimer's Aging Populations Community Action Disabled Populations Education Food Nursing Homes Housing Insurance Public Health Senior Citizen Services Transportation Veterans
Adult Evaluation & Review Services (AERS) offers a free evaluation to assess Garrett County r...