4-H is a nation-wide hands-on youth development program, the largest in the United States with over 6.5 million members. Our purpose is to provide a supportive setting for all girls and boys to mature into competent, caring, and responsible people through volunteerism and the learning of valuable life skills—4-H also provides many opportunities for young people to take on leadership roles. At its most basic level, 4-H is about belonging to one or more 4-H clubs and pursuing the projects and interests that you love, all while serving the community.
Currently, we have 20 clubs and 8 afterschool outreach groups, reaching 351 youth in community clubs, 871 youth in special interest/short-term programs, 269 youth in afterschool outreach groups and 970 youth in overnight camping programs throughout Garrett County, MD. That is over 2461 youth in our county committed to change! This change starts with the heart of 4-H: Community Service. Garrett County 4-Hers submitted reports for the President’s Volunteer Service Awards, logging 3925 hours of service in our community. 4-H Volunteers did their part in changing our community, providing a volunteer value of $4,627.26 for their service to our community!