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Western Maryland Consortium - Oakland Office


The Western Maryland Consortium provides job training to qualified individuals who are unemployed or under-employed.

Who can we help?

-Adults, 18 and up, with qualifying incomes

-Dislocated workers who are on, or have exhausted, unemployment

-Youth, ages 16-24, who are no longer in school.

How can we help?

-Tuition, books, and fees to Garrett or Allegany College to finish your degree if you are already enrolled in college, or to go back to school and finish your degree if you started college previously and dropped out

-Tuition, books, and fees to Garrett or Allegany College to obtain a certificate in an approved career field

-Tuition, books, and fees to Garrett or Allegany College to obtain a license in an approved career field

-Work experience to help prepare you for a job and make you stand out to a potential employer

-On-the-job training, which allows you to work at a job with an employer to learn the skills necessary to do the job, and it may possibly lead to a permanent position.

Adults, age 18 and up:

You must have a qualifying income or be considered a “dislocated worker”.  A “dislocated worker” is defined as someone who is drawing unemployment benefits or who has exhausted unemployment benefits.

You could qualify for college training, work experience, or on-the-job training.  In come cases, there is transportation assistance.

Youth, ages 16-24:

You must either have already graduated, or no longer be in school.  You could qualify for college training, a summer job, work experience, or on-the-job training.



You could qualify for up to $4500 for tuition, books and fees to obtain a degree, certificate or license.  To obtain a degree, you must have already completed half of the credits necessary to graduate.  Approved colleges are Garrett College and Allegany College.  All funded trainings must be listed on the Department of Labor and Licensing Regulation website as an authorized training and must be approved by the college and the local consortium office.  Training must be completed within one year.



Or, you could choose to obtain work experience in a particular field instead.  Work experience is provided under our payroll and workmen’s comp program.  Participants usually work 25 hours per week.  The number of weeks varies.  (For youth, we pay full wages for 8 to 10 weeks.)  Work experience is a great way to learn a trade and become a more qualified applicant for a permanent position.

Or, we may provide finances for on-the-job training.  In this case, a participant is hired by an employer, and we reimburse the employer 50% of the hourly rate for several weeks.  (For youth, we pay 75% of the hourly rate reimbursement to the employer).


Do you want to make a change?  Get that great job?  Start a new career?  It is within your grasp!  Call us, we want to help you!