Adult Evaluation & Review Services (AERS) offers a free evaluation to assess Garrett County residents, 18 or older, for available community resources. The goal of the program is to link clients with resources which may enable them to stay in their home as long as possible. AERS evaluations are conducted in the individual’s home or other locations as requested. The AERS team consists of a registered nurse and licensed social worker who will develop a plan of care involving the client and the family as appropriate. The AERS team works with multiple community agencies to provide a comprehensive evaluation and offer referrals for assessed individuals.
A referral for an AERS evaluation can be made by the individual, family member(s), healthcare provider, or others by calling 301-334-7740 or 301-895-3111. Basic demographic information is helpful at the time of the call (name, address, date of birth, a basic idea of income/assets, and the reason for the referral).
After the evaluation is complete, the nurse will make recommendations to available community resources. Although the AERS evaluation is free, many of the resources are income and asset based. Resources may include: Alzheimer’s education, private duty caregiver listings, in-home services (personal care attendant and/or light household chores), medication assistance, MedBank of Garrett County, Meals on Wheels, respite funds, clinical services (vision, hearing, dental/dentures, behavioral health etc.), housing and transportation assistance.
A copy of our brochure is available at: