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Family Planning Medical Assistance Insurance

301-334-7770 or 301-895-3111301-334-7770 or 301-895-3111
The Family Planning Program is a limited benefit for Maryland residents that pays for certain family planning services, such as birth control and physical exams, to eligible women under age 51.  The Family Planning Program does not provide comprehensive insurance coverage.
Family Planning services include:
  • Advice about birth control methods;
  • Physical exams, including pelvic and breast exams;
  • Screenings, such as pap smears and for sexually transmitted infections, when done as part of the family planning visit;
  • Birth control pills and devices, such as IUDs;
  • Emergency contraception; and
  • Permanent sterilization (must be age 21 or over).

To apply for the Family Planning program, you must fill out the application. You can obtain an application by calling toll free at 1-855-692-4993 or by stopping by the health department.

Program Eligibility Criteria includes:  Maryland resident, female, must have an income at or below 200% of the federal poverty level and be less than 52 years of age

Federal Poverty Income Guidelines for 2017:

Size of family unit 100 Percent of Poverty 110 Percent of Poverty 125 Percent of Poverty 150 Percent of Poverty 175 Percent of Poverty 185 Percent of Poverty 200 Percent of Poverty
1 $11,880 $13,068 $14,850 $17,820 $20,790 $21,978 $23,760
2 $16,020 $17,622 $20,025 $24,030 $28,035 $29,637 $32,040
3 $20,160 $22,176 $25,200 $30,240 $35,280 $37,297 $40,320
4 $24,300 $26,730 $30,375 $36,450 $42,525 $44,955 $48,600
5 $28,440 $31,284 $35,550 $42,660 $49,770 $52,614 $56,880
6 $32,580 $35,838 $40,725 $48,870 $57,015 $60,273 $65,160
7 $36,730 $40,403 $45,913 $55,095 $64,278 $67,951 $73,460
8 $40,890 $44,979 $51,113 $61,335 $71,558 $75,647 $81,780

Women enrolled in the program should receive a Family Planning Medical Assistance Insurance card.

Medicaid Family Planning Card