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Home Delivered Meals

104 East Center Street Oakland Maryland 21550 US
301.334.9431 ext. 6138301.334.9431 ext. 6138

The Area Agency on Aging operates 5 “Eating Together” congregate nutrition sites throughout the county.Nutritious meals, meeting 1/3 of the Recommended Dietary Requirements are available to persons 60 years of age or older and their spouse, regardless of age. Older adults are able to share a meal and socialize. There is no fee for meals, however, a contribution is strongly encouraged. The Area Agency on Aging operates a home delivered meal program (a Meals On Wheels America member) in conjunction with its Eating Together Sites. A nutritionally balanced meal is delivered to frail home-bound elderly five days a week. In order to qualify for the program, the senior must have a physical or mental disability that prohibits them from preparing meals. Prior to enrollment in the program the senior is evaluated by Adult Evaluation and Review Services, a division of the Garrett County Health Department, to determine their functional abilities.


Home delivered meal participants receive an in-home well-check bi-annually by a registered nurse. The well-check visit includes blood pressure screening., height and wight, nutrition assessment, medication review, referral to services as appropiate, education and information.


Participants also receive nutrition information through a quarterly newsletter and other written materials.


There is no fee for meals, however, a contribution is strongly encouraged to help maintain adequate services .

Garrett County Senior Nutrition Program

The cost of each meal prepared is $5.25. Voluntary contributions enable the agency to serve more meals. Individuals who are able to give the full cost of the meal are encouraged to do so; however, all contributions are welcome. Each meal provides 1/3 of the Recommended Dietary Allowances (Nutrients needed daily) for older adults and meets the dietary guidelines for Americans. Meal reservations and cancellations are to be made at the nutrition site or senior center prior to the next service day. Reservations and cancellations may be made no later than 9am on the service day if absolutely necessary.