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Garrett Treatment Center

223-299 East Alder Street Oakland Maryland 21550 US

Garrett Treatment Center is an outpatient opioid treatment program utilizing Suboxone, and soon Vivitrol, to help persons succeed who are struggling with the disease of addiction. We are also dedicated to help those who suffer from chronic pain who require ongoing narcotic medications in a managed environment. Now that medical marijuana is available in Maryland we will offer evaluation and help patients for whom this option may be a viable addition to their current treatment plan.

Our physician, Dr. Richard Perry, has been caring for patients in this community, and the surrounding region, for over 27 years and brings to this practice a sincere desire to continue to deliver care to these patients whose lives have been so significantly affected by chronic pain or addiction.

Addiction Treatment
The opioid abuse problem in our country is a human catastrophe unique in our lifetimes. Lives are damaged and lives are lost every day in numbers that only a few years ago would have been unthinkable. Many solutions to this problem are being tried with varying degrees of success.
Chronic Pain Management

In addition to our addiction treatment service, GTC also offers Chronic Pain Management services. Our primary focus with this service is to provide a local access point for patients dealing with chronic pain to obtain their needed medications.

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Medical Marijuana

Medical Marijuana is now available to patients in the state of Maryland that have medical conditions that might be helped by its use.

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