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Covenant Counseling

907 Seton Drive Cumberland Maryland 21502 US

Individual Counseling

Individual counseling is provided for any client experiencing a difficult issue – from communication conflicts to more complex mental health disorders or addictions. Covenant Counseling has seven licensed professionals to meet the individual needs of our community. The initial intake is obtained by calling our office at 301-777-0633 and speaking to our receptionists.

A therapist is assigned to each individual needing counseling with the first appointment usually scheduled for 90 minutes. Thereafter, each session is approximately 55 minutes.

Depending on the issue presented by the client, various testing may be recommended as well as homework assignments from the resource center. These assignments are to better equip clients to reach their goals successfully.

Above all, confidentiality from the very first phone call is maintained. Covenant Counseling strives to help individuals work through their issues in a safe environment.

Family Counseling

Family counseling is offered for couples and/or families experiencing conflicts or problems disruptive to the entire family unit. Mental health disorders, chronic illness, death, and divorce are just some of the topics presented during family sessions. Adolescents and children often serve as the identified client in family therapy.

Group Counseling

Group counseling is offered periodically concerning various topics whereby many individuals identify dilemmas. Codependency, adult children of alcoholics (ACOA), boundaries, anti-bullying, and freedom from addictions are examples of such group topics. These group sessions are always professional in nature with one or two of our therapists serving as facilitators.

The purpose of group counseling is to focus on common difficulties, to provide support and encouragement, and to discuss workable ideas for embracing and working through the issue.

Covenant Counseling will make known to the public via the website, newspaper, and other media the dates, times, and number of available persons attending of any group offerings. Group norms and rules will be provided during the initial session to all attendees. Confidentiality is expected from all participants at group counseling events.