Walk-In/Call-In Crisis Services Available 8AM-5PM Monday-Friday After Hours Crisis Services: (Inc...
The Public Mental Health System Management Agency for Garrett County Garrett County Behavioral He...

Counseling Children LGBTQ+ Abused Persons Addiction Treatment Alcoholism Drug Abuse Hospitals and Health Services Pregnancy Childbirth Mental Health Services Sexual Assault Youth Services
Charlie Health’s virtual Intensive Outpatient Program (IOP) provides short-term, intensive mental...
Health and Wellness, GRMC’s Regional Behavioral Health Center is located at 69 Wolf Acres Drive i...

We provide 24/7 phone support and peer support. We can respond to crisis Mon-Fri 7am-4pm. Extende...

Garrett Resource Center connects you to LOCAL Peer Support, Outreach Specialists, and RESOURCES t...

Residential Crisis Services (RCS) are designated to prevent a psychiatric inpatient admission, sh...

Third Place provides a supportive space for people who have faced the same challenges or had simi...

Drug Abuse Children Addiction Treatment Alcoholism LGBTQ+ Mental Health Services Youth Services Wellness Programs
As parents, caregivers and other loved ones caring for someone with substance use challenges, we ...
Caregiver’s Connection A support group for parents and caregivers of children with ADHD, Autism...
The mission of Garrett County Community Action Committee, Inc., is to improve the quality of life...
The LCT works with parents, guardians, and other adults on children’s behalf. The purpose is to o...

Child Protective Services; after 4:00pm call 911.

Mission The Dove Center provides safety, advocacy, and counseling to individuals whose lives have...

Mt. Top Crisis Pregnancy Center

To provide quality, safe, accessible primary health care, wellness promotion, and education to al...
Thank you for visiting the Garrett County Department of Social Services Facebook page. This is an...