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Committed to Change

500-598 Memorial Avenue Cumberland Maryland 21502 US


Adult and Minor Outpatient Mental Health Program

Program Philosophy:

It is the philosophy of the Committed To Change, PC (CTC) Adult Outpatient Mental Health Clinic (OMHC) programs to assist persons with developing and maintaining coping skills that facilitate adjustment and integration within their living environments and community. Clients and family members are empowered to make decisions about their care with the expected outcome of an increased quality of life.

Program Description:

CTC, OMHC programs are provided in a clinic setting. A wide range of services are organized within a comprehensive therapeutic environment that includes screening and assessment, diagnostic determination, individual and family counseling, psychiatric consultations, medication management, crisis intervention, group counseling, client advocacy, and referral to community resources. Clients are assigned to licensed clinicians who assist in individual planning and care. Services additionally include consultation with family and/or professional care providers.

Program Goals:

The overall goal of CTC, OMHC programs is to increase the quality of life through the provision of specialized outpatient mental health services.  Specific areas of focus may include:

  • Recovery
  • Vocation/Education
  • Parenting
  • Relationships
  • Spirituality
  • Coping Skills
  • Anger Management
  • Grief and Loss


Program Objectives:

CTC, OMHC programs seek to achieve the following specific objectives:

  • To improve mood and affect in daily living.
  • To improve social, familial, and social adjustment and integration.
  • To reduce the need for a higher level of care.


Program Services/Continuum of Care:

CTC, OMHC programs provide a continuum of care that ensures all clients and family members referred are evaluated and provided services and/or referred to primary and secondary service providers to meet their individual needs. The specific areas that demonstrate a continuum of care are as follows:

Screening and Intake Assessment: A screening and intake process is completed 14 days of the initial referral. The strengths, needs, abilities, and preferences of each client are identified explicitly for integration within an individual plan of care.

Individual Treatment Planning: An Individual Treatment Plan is developed with each consumer within the first 5 billable services performed by CTC staff.  The client is a full participant in the treatment planning and goals. And, objectives are based on individual needs, strengths, abilities and preferences. Goals are stated in the client’s own language, and the client has open access to the individual plan upon request.

Individual, Group, and Family Therapy: Each client is assigned a licensed therapist who is responsible for the client’s coordination of care. Individualized, group, and/or family therapy sessions take place to assist the client in both individual treatment plan goals and objectives.

Crisis Intervention: Emergency response to mental health crisis is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. CTC’s automated phone messaging system provides patients with an afterhours number which goes to one of the OMHC Program Director (Annapolis site) as well as directions for going to the local hospital in certain situations.

Medication Management:  Medication management is available to assist with an increase in life functioning. Through the services of qualified physicians, medications are prescribed and their efficacy is evaluated on an ongoing basis. Education is provided to individual clients regarding the effects, use, and expected outcomes of medication.

Psychosocial Education: Psychosocial education is available to clients, families, care providers in both individual and group formats and provided to assist with interpersonal relations, role performance, anger management, and communication skills.

Progress Reviews and Individual Plan Reformulation: Regular scheduled meetings are held with each client to review the progress of their individual goals and update and/or revise the Individual Plan.

Discharge/Transition Planning and Criteria: Discharge/transition planning occurs throughout all phases of the program. The person served has met discharge/transition criteria when the goals of the individual plan are achieved and referral to support services is completed, when appropriate.


Mechanisms to Address the Needs of Special Populations: CTC, OMHC programs addresses the special needs of the clients served through the development and ongoing monitoring and modification of the Individual Treatment Plan. Through this process, the strengths, abilities, needs, preferences and desired outcomes will be developed based on the unique qualities of the clients served. Specific accommodations to address special needs may include the following; amplification devices and writing boards for use with hearing impaired clients, magnification sheets for the visually impaired, and language interpretation of non-English speaking clients.