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Ray Of Hope Residential and Day services

163 North Mechanic Street Cumberland Maryland 21502 US
Provides direct care services to individuals with developmental disabilities. We offer Residential, Day and Outreach Programs.

Residential Services

The clientele we serve at Ray of Hope are receiving services to meet their need for care, supervision and training.  Agency Staff are fully trained to ensure their safety, welfare and development.

Services provided by Ray of Hope are open to persons of all ages, without regard to race, sex, religion or natural origin.  The following criteria shall be used to determine eligibility.

1. Individuals will be considered for admission based upon their assessed needs and the agency’s ability to effectively address those needs.

2.  He /She is identified by the Developmental Disabilities (DDA) as qualified to receive services.

3.  Individuals served by Ray of Hope must be enrolled in, or eligible to receive day program services.


Services Provided

The following are some of the services provided to the individuals we serve.

– Private bedroom in a clean comfortable home.

– 24 hour support /supervision with either awake or on call supervision based on need.

– Support and assistance with all daily care needs.

– Assistance with obtaining and scheduling all health related appointments.

– Ensure all individuals safety, welfare and development.

– Develop and maintain an Individual Service Plan that will ensure that the individual needs are being met.

– Provide transportation to all activities & appointments as needed.

Day Support Services
Ray of Hope provides day support services Monday – Friday with a variety of support schedules available. Most day support schedules reflect the specific funding available as well as the individual’s desired outcomes. Individuals on average receive funding anywhere from 30-40 hours per week. Typical hours of operation at the day support center are from 8:00AM-3:00PM.
Training/Day Support Center services include but are not limited to:
-Pre-vocational/ Vocational Training
-Job Search
-Job Coaching
-Participation in Volunteer Services
-Sensory Stimulation Room/Activities
-Computer Station
-Exercise Equipment
-Relaxation Therapy
-Community Integration and a variety of small and large group activities
Ray of Hope, Inc. prides itself in providing innovative techniques to meet individual outcomes.