Allegany County Transit (ACT) operates the Alltrans, a demand response service for senior citizens and the ADA para-transit persons with disabilities who are unable to ride fixed route transit system.
ADA Para-transit is a service provided only to individuals with disabilities who are unable to ride accessible fixed-route public bus service because of their disability. ADA Para-transit service is designed to ensure that the civil rights of these individuals are guaranteed as protected under the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 (ADA). ADA Para-transit is comparable to ACT’s fixed-route bus service in terms of service area, days and hours of service, fares and response time as defined by the Americans with Disabilities Act and subsequent rulings of the U. S Department of Transportation. Passenger trips will be coordinated to serve as many people as possible and to use our vehicles in the most efficient manner Passengers must be certified as ADA Para-transit eligible before ADA Para-transit service can be scheduled, with the exception of visitors. These individuals are eligible for temporary visitor status and do not need to be re-certified by ACT unless they will be using the service more than 21 days during the calendar year.
Eligible Citizens
Senior Citizens
This is curb-to-curb demand response service for senior citizens. Medical trips are prioritized, and other trips are provided on a space-available basis. Passenger trips will be coordinated to serve as many people as possible and to use our vehicles in the most efficient manner.
Persons with Disabilities
ADA Para-transit service is provided only to persons with disabilities that prevent them from using accessible fixed-route transit system and is available only within three-fourths of a mile from ACT fixed routes. ADA Para-transit service is provided during the same days and hours as our fixed-route bus services. Trip purposes are unrestricted.