The Local Management Board (LMB) was established during the mid-1990’s in an effort to change the way services were provided to children and families in their communities. The LMB identifies priorities and targets resources within the Garrett County community with a focus to increase local authority to plan, implement, and monitor children and family services.
The LMB serves as the coordinator of collaboration for child and family services. They bring together local child-serving agencies, local child providers, clients of services, families, and other community representatives to empower local stakeholders in addressing the needs of and setting priorities for their communities.
Improving results for children, youth, and families is the goal of all Local Management Board activities. Maryland established eight Child Well-Being Results, and all LMB programs, initiatives and partnerships are devoted to ensuring the following:
- Babies Born Healthy
- Children Enter School Ready to Learn *
- Youth will Complete School
- Communities are Safe for Children, Youth and Families
- Healthy Children
- Children are Successful in School *
- Youth Have Opportunities for Employment or Career Readiness *
- Families are Safe and Economically Stable *
*Denotes Result area prioritized by Garrett County