Although we have 43 partner families our staff is very small. We have a full-time executive director and a full-time administrative assistant. It takes many other volunteers to keep our affiliate on the move – that would be an additional 250 (+) volunteers that work on committees, at the site, fundraisers, supervisors, food, housing, etc.
Homes are built using tax-deductible contributions of land, materials and money, the labor of volunteers, and the “sweat equity” labor of homeowner families. Volunteer labor is used almost exclusively in the construction of these projects. Each family must donate 250 hours of labor per adult persons in the household. This sweat equity can be applied to the construction of their own home, the construction of homes for others, assisting the office in mailing projects and other Habitat projects. Homes are sold to families at cost with a no-interest 30-year mortgage loan. Families are selected basis of housing need, willingness to partner with Habitat and ability to repay the loan. Mortgage payments received from homeowners are recycled directly into a revolving fund used for the construction of additional homes in Garrett County.