Are you aged 60 or older, home bound and unable to shop for food or prepare your meals? If so, contact your local HRDC Senior Center to see if you qualify for a hot, nutritious meal delivered to your home. Older Marylander’s can qualify for this program as a result of either temporary situation, such as recent hospital discharge, or due to frailty or permanent disability. Home delivered meals make it possible for home bound seniors to maintain adequate nutrition. The senior nutrition program, authorized under Title III of the Older Americans Act, provides grants to area agencies on aging to support congregate and home delivered programs for persons 60 years and older. Participants are encouraged to make voluntary donation towards the cost of the meal. Donations are voluntary and anonymous. These donations help the program be able to provide more meals. The HRDC Senior Centers also provide a congregate meals and activities. To visit a center for delicious, home-cooked meal or to get more information on home delivered meals, please contact one of the four HRDC Senior Centers.