100-102 Honeysuckle Lne
As a federal Housing and Urban Development Section 8 rental-subsidy community, Frostburg Heights is able to offer income-qualified persons rental fees that are approximately 30 percent of their adjusted income. The community serves eligible persons 62 years of age or older or physically challenged individuals 18 years of age or older.
Frostburg Heights also is delighted to offer the Choice program, which provides weekly assistance for people who need additional services to remain independent. The Choice congregate-housing program provides two meals per day and up to three hours of housekeeping and personal-care services weekly.

Maryland Legal Aid (MLA) provides life-changing civil legal assistance to eligible residents in e...
The mission of Garrett County Community Action Committee, Inc., is to improve the quality of life...
Alzheimer's Aging Populations Community Action Disabled Populations Education Food Nursing Homes Housing Insurance Public Health Senior Citizen Services Transportation Veterans
Adult Evaluation & Review Services (AERS) offers a free evaluation to assess Garrett County r...
Thank you for visiting the Garrett County Department of Social Services Facebook page. This is an...
Although we have 43 partner families our staff is very small. We have a full-time executive direc...
Safe Harbor/Compass House Residential Crisis Services offers intensive mental health and support ...

Programs are available for victims and survivors of Domestic Violence, Rape, Sexual Assault/Abuse...

Garrettland is presently accepting applications for all our apartments and townhouses: The Meado...

36 Units Vacancies

32 Units Accepting Applications for Wait List

60 Units Accepting Applications for wait list

32 Units Accepting Applications for Wait List

24 Units Accepting Applications for Wait List

30 Units Accepting Applications for Wait List

Multi-Family Unit 28 Units Accepting Applications for Wait List

Elderly, Handicapped, Disabled, Hud 30 Units Accepting Applications for Wait List

Elderly, Handicapped, Disabled, HUD 29 Units Accepting Applications for wait list

Elderly, Handicapped, Disabled, Hud 29 Units Accepting Applications for Wait List

Elderly, Handicapped, Disabled, HUD 32 Units Accepting Applications for Wait List

Elderly, Handicapped, Disabled, Hud 32 Units Accepting Applications for wait list

Elderly, Handicapped, Disabled, Hub 32 Units Vacancies