The Behavioral Health Administration has partnered with Maryland Public Television (MPT) to create an hour long program, Breaking Heroin’s Grip: Road to Recovery, that will be simultaneously b...
A new feature is coming to! A reading room will soon be available with brand new story books! Check out the teaser video below to see the upcoming reading alarm! Video from
Eating foods high in fat and cholesterol will raise your blood cholesterol along with your genetic make up in some cases. A desirable total cholesterol is 200mg/dl or less. Borderline line is a choles...
MONDAYs Deer Park Community Bldg. & Thursday’s Loch Lynn 6:00-6:45 PM Questions: call, text or email. Like on FaceBook: ChristiewithREFIT® 724-984-8833 [email protected]
The Center for Health Security at the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health has been awarded a three-year, $16 million grant from the Open Philanthropy Project for work on preventing and pre...
Yesterday, representatives from the #GarrettCounty#HealthDepartment attended the ribbon cutting ceremony at Garrett Regional Medical Center‘s Grantsville Urgent and Primary Care Center. Let̵...
TUESDAY 6-7PM CRELLIN Assembly of GOD THURSDAY 6-7 Loch Lynn (the bridge- right across train tracks on the left) ????’s 724-984-8833
Health and wellness for our children are important. Take a few moments of your time, go to and answer the question, “What is your heart’s desire, vision, dream, for chi...
Download the full tip sheet as a printable!
Who are the target audiences of Super Bowl advertisements? The ads are cute, but you’ll be shocked at what youth might take away from some of these spots! Check out https://www.drugfreeactional...
February is American Heart Month. Heart disease can often be prevented when people make healthy lifestyle choices and manage their health condition. Take control of your heart health in February! Know...
Click here to access the printable brochure!
Children are “copycats” in every way. The Just Like You! positive role modeling campaign was created to remind adults of the impact they have on children. “Make sure that your ‘little copycats’ see po...
Heart disease and stroke cause 1 in 3 deaths among women each year. Wear RED on National Wear Red Day, February 3rd, 2017, to show your support for women taking control of their heart health! #Wellnes...
Did you know that Garrett County has over 30 amazing trails and hiking paths? Get active and explore the area all while increasing your health and wellness. Check out the trails at Garrett County Trai...
Learning Beyond the Classroom schedule for March through May 2017. We are back in March with all kinds of new exciting activities, come learn with us! ** Follow us on Facebook**
PreK and Kindergarten registration opens up on February 1, 2017. Apply online or pick up application from the school in your district.
Date: Monday, February 6th, 2017 Time: 12:00-1:30 PM Where: GRMC Grantsville Urgent Care 32 Corporate Drive, Grantsville MD Join Garrett Regional Medical Center and Local Dignitaries. Meet the staff a...
In today’s world is there anything at all that everyone can agree upon? Yes! A unanimous 100% of 2016 riders said they enjoyed the Garrett County Gran Fondo and… would recommend it ...
The very best in the Garrett County area food and drink industry come together every year for Taste of Garrett. With over 30 county-wide restaurants and chefs taking part each year, Taste of Garrett i...
Wellness Wednesday: What’s for dinner? A baked potato can be a hearty and healthy meal! Just pile on vegetables, low-fat cheese or salsa in place of butter and sour cream.
Click here to visit the Ruth Enlow Library of Garrett County’s calendar to see upcoming events in our community!
Copycat Ad Be Just Like Them! Teams of adult and child volunteers support the Just Like You! Program by recording ads at the local radio station. Kids enjoy talking into the big microphone, and hearin...
According to the Department of Health and Mental Hygiene FluWatch, there is widespread geographic identification of Influenza throughout Maryland as of early January. What you can do: Get vaccinated...
“Reading is one of the fundamental building blocks for education and imagination, and helps put our children on a path for lifelong success,” said Governor Larry Hogan. Click here to read ...
Did you know that you can access reproductive health services at your local health department? That means that you may be able to get birth control (pills, patches, rings, shot, implant, IUD, condoms,...
Click the front cover of the book below to read the brand new story, exclusively on, and you’ll even earn 10 COPYCAT COINS when you finish the story! [mycred_link amount=”10...
“The Tale of Copycats,” an interactive, online storybook will be released tomorrow, January 24, 2017. Be sure to check back tomorrow, and earn a whopping 10 COPYCAT COINS for reading the ...
ACCU provides assistance to all individuals who have Maryland Medical Assistance coverage including those enrolled in a Managed Care Organization (MCO). The current MCO’s available in Garrett County ...
Garrett Lakes Arts Festival will present the NATIONAL PLAYERS in their performance of THE GIVER, Tuesday, January 24th at 6:30 pm at Garrett College. Information is available at the GLAF website www.a...
Contraceptive coverage enables the prevention of unintended pregnancy and allows women, if and when they choose to become pregnant, to better plan and space pregnancies, which has been proven to impro...
The 2017 Point in Time count will be held in Garrett County on Wednesday, January 25, 2017. This count is utilized by HUD to determine the number of sheltered and unsheltered persons who are living i...
Between 1,039,000 and 1,185,000 people in the U.S. were living with HIV/AIDS in 2003, the most recent year for which estimates are available from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. This y...
If you are unable to obtain your prescription medication because you have no insurance or limited insurance coverage, live in Garrett County, and meet financial guidelines the Garrett County MedBank P...
Deer Park Eliminators Community Group and Town of Deer Park provide free or low cost events for the community to do with their families. Please remember to check out our FACEBOOK page Deer Park Elimin...
Would you like to see some videos. Go to Learn more about other things happening and tips of how to use
Join us March 25, 2017 for the 4th Annual fundraiser for Samantha Funding The Arts. This is a great time for the whole family. The main event is our cornhole tournament, but there’s lot’s ...
Each year, more than 200 women in Maryland are told they have cervical cancer, but it can be prevented by getting an HPV vaccine and by getting regular Pap tests. Call the Garrett County Breast & ...
Please come out and give the Action Teams a try! It might be what you have been looking for.
As the 115th Congress convenes, and in light of the political tumult surrounding the election we have both issues and accomplishments to consider with the ACA. I did my due diligence by writing by own...
Still some spots open. Call Linda @ 301-616-7282
The Nurturing Family class is an innovative program designed to empower and support families by providing you with the tools to guide you in your journey through parenting. From peaceful conflict reso...
Garrett County Judy Center Playgroups – for children ages birth to 4, promotes developmentally-appropriate activities, socialization and school readiness skills. The Judy Center playgroups are fun; ch...