Did you know our community prioritized mental health as the number one issue in Garrett County? Does that surprise you? We collect thousands of surveys every three years and our latest results revealed some troubling needs for our community.
To make it easier to access, we’ve put together a concise information brief that connects the data available to us about mental health, the effect on a community, local leadership with contact information, local resources, campaigns, and other ways to get involved in one place, called Data Insights.
The insights are explored, problems are discussed, and solutions are brainstormed in a public meeting every month. This is the second month we’ve focused on mental health. Your input is needed to provide a community pulse and dig deeper into what is lacking in our community and find a path forward.
Our next meeting is January 26; we will continue reviewing the Data Insight linked here https://garretthealth.org/data-insight-2022-a-mental-health/ as a baseline and will collectively gather more data on the issues in our community. We will use that information to brainstorm community strategies we can measure as a group. The meetings are hybrid. If you cannot join us in person at the Health Department on 1025 Memorial Drive in Oakland, please join virtually or call in.
If you don’t have time for a meeting, you can always join the discussion on mygarrettcounty.com in this action group: https://mygarrettcounty.com/groups/health-planning-council/. We want to hear from you!