We recognize and appreciate the contributions and sacrifices that our Active Duty Service members, Reservists, Guardsmen, Veterans and Dependents have made for our country. Garrett College seeks to create an enhanced learning environment by providing military, veterans, and their dependents with support and resources in a friendly atmosphere. Garrett strives to address the unique issues and challenges these students face when entering the college environment. Garrett is committed to giving back to those who serve our country and the family members who support them.
Kathy Fauber, our Financial Aid/Veteran Affairs Counselor is eager to assist you with reviewing your VA Education Benefits, explaining entitlements, and helping you through this process. However, the Department of Veterans Affairs is the only resource that can answer your personal and specific GI Bill entitlement questions. We encourage you to call 1-888-GIBILL-1 or visit http://www.gibill.va.gov. Regardless of your GI bill eligibility, you may also qualify for other forms of Federal and State Financial Aid. To determine eligibility please fill out a FAFSA on line at http://www.fafsa.ed.gov