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As the 115th Congress convenes, and in light of the political tumult surrounding the election we have both issues and accomplishments to consider with the ACA. I did my due diligence by writing by own letters and encourage all of you to write and let our officals know how this effects you and your family.

APHA to Congress: We oppose repeal of Affordable Care Act
by David on Jan 4, 2017 • 4:01 pm No Comments
In a letter to members of Congress today, the American Public Health Association strongly opposed attempts to repeal or weaken the Affordable Care Act.

“Any effort to repeal the ACA without ensuring a viable and immediate replacement plan is unconscionable and will put the health of the American people at an unacceptable risk,” wrote APHA Executive Director Georges C. Benjamin, MD.

The letter is in response to a Senate budget resolution introduced yesterday in the new Congress that takes the first steps toward repealing the health law.

Benjamin outlined what is at stake, including the loss of services that save lives and improve health. Millions of previously uninsured Americans who now have affordable, comprehensive health insurance coverage will lose it, increasing health disparities and premature deaths. In addition, nearly 138 million individuals will lose access to preventive health care services such as vaccinations, disease screenings, well-child visits and tobacco cessation counseling without co-pays or deductibles through private health insurance. Thirty-nine million seniors will lose access to preventive services without cost through the Medicare program.

Under the law, millions of young adults up to age 26 are able to stay on their parents’ health insurance plans and nearly 129 million individuals with pre-existing conditions are protected from insurance coverage denials. Benjamin said these protections are at risk.

“The ACA is critical to addressing the biggest challenges facing our health system,” wrote Benjamin, including helping shift our health system from one that focuses on treating the sick to one that focuses on keeping people healthy.

“The ACA provides critical mandatory funding through the Prevention and Public Health Fund for community-based prevention and public health activities,” he wrote. “The fund has already provided more than $6 billion to support a variety of public health activities in every state, including tracking and preventing infectious disease, community and clinical prevention programs, bolstering the public health infrastructure and workforce and expanding access to childhood immunizations.”

While the budget resolution won’t immediately undo the health law, it sets the wheels in motion.

Next steps? The Senate soon begins debate with a final vote possibly late next week. The measure would then move to the House likely for swift action.

No word yet on what, if any, plan would replace the ACA if it is overturned.

You can take action by urging your members of Congress to oppose any efforts to repeal this historic public health law.

Tags: Affordable Care Act, Georges Benjamin


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Written by Shelley Argabrite
Hi! I’m currently serving Garrett County as the Health Planner. I enjoy the collaboration aspect of my job the most, working with great people is a blessing!

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