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One Stitch Closer

One Stitch Closer Veronika Scott empowers other women YouTube

Inspiration for your next community project.

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Written by Shelley Argabrite
Hi! I’m currently serving Garrett County as the Health Planner. I enjoy the collaboration aspect of my job the most, working with great people is a blessing!
  1. What an awesome story!

    • There is nothing more powerful than someone living out their dreams and helping so many others in the process!

      • True hope for the future when a young person does something like this! Especially coming from the background she had. Whoever the professor was who assigned the original project is a genius! I wonder how many other students’ lives were changed like Ms. Scott. We need to find a way to inspire our youth with such projects!

  2. Tear jerker. Wow! What an inspirational story.

  3. I thought so too! This would be a great one to Share!

  4. It’s nice to see a positive story on youth instead of all the negative. What an inspiration to those wanting to make a difference.


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