We will be sharing grant resources, foundations, state & fed opportunities.
The Overdose Response Training (ORT) Group is focused on maximizing the resources for reduction and/or prevention of fatal opioid overdose in our community. Administration of naloxone in the setting of an opioid […]
The Local Behavioral Health Authority is the management entity for publicly funded mental health and substance related disorder services. The agency strives to improve these services for residents of Garrett […]
The priority for Behavioral Health is to foster an integrated Behavioral Health continuum of care. The integrated system shall promote Behavioral Health treatment, recovery, and wellness as access to Behavioral […]
WIC is a federally funded program that provides eligible children and women services geared at reducing food insecurity, improving health literacy, assisting in successful breastfeeding, and providing a portal for […]
Home health providers are dedicated to meeting the medical needs of clients in their homes, across a continuum of care with the ultimate goal of maximizing self sufficiency and independence.
Emergency Preparedness is essential for ensuring our community can effectively respond to and recover from various public health emergencies. The program aligns with state regulation for Emergency Preparedness Md. […]
Garrett Guide is a Community Resource Directory with the framework found at Garrettguide.org. Local agencies, organizations, businesses and residents have the opportunity to provide additional detail for […]
Access the MyDATA Open Data Warehouse by selecting it under ”My Community” in the main menu.
MyGarrettCounty.com is a community engagement collaborative implemented by the Population Health, Innovation, and Informatics unit of the Garrett County Health Department with support from local stakeholders to […]
A new, curated collection of relevant Garrett County Health Department communications and promotions sent across the region.
Organizational management activities used to set priorities, focus energy and resources, strengthen operations, ensure that employees and other stakeholders are working toward common goals, establish […]
The Family Planning Program at Garrett County Health Department is part of Title X, a federal program that provides family planning services to low-income and uninsured individuals. Our clinics offer birth control […]
Store updates as we work to maintain the high standards set for public health departments.
Partners After School @ Accident began serving Accident Elementary School students in Garrett County, Maryland in 2002. Though funding sources and program goals have changed throughout its history, PAS @ Accident […]
The purpose of the Garrett County Opioid Intervention Team is to address the opioid and other drug epidemic in order to prevent overdose deaths and halt the spread of the drug epidemic in the community through […]
Garrett County is often the lowest county in the state for yearly adolescent well child checks. It is important for the children and adolescents of our community to be seen yearly for this preventive visit where we […]
The Vaccines for Adults and Children Program, implemented by the Health Department, is a comprehensive initiative aimed at promoting public health and protecting individuals of all ages from vaccine-preventable […]
Strengthening Community Health: Promoting Influenza Vaccination for a Healthy, Resilient, Community
Rabies is a preventable viral disease of all mammals that is usually transmitted by the bite of a rabid animal. It is caused by viruses in the genus Lyssavirus and is nearly always fatal once symptoms appear. In […]
Did you know that Garrett County has the highest percentage (33%) of reported youth using tobacco products in the state of Maryland according to the latest data from Maryland’s State Health Improvement Process […]
The Garrett County Cancer Coalition meets quarterly to discuss strategies for improving health outcomes and decreasing the incidence of cancer in our community.
The Garrett County Drug Free Communities Coalition is the defending force for our county’s fight for the reduction and prevention of substance abuse.
Play Hard, Live Clean is a continuation of the Garrett County Drug-Free Communities Coalition designed to engage local youth by means of a drug-free pledge. This campaign is based on Wait21, and is coordinated by […]
This group is designed for our community to work better together as we attempt to understand the level of this issue for Garrett County students. The Center for Addiciton explains that the newest and most popular […]
This group will serve as the public platform for all activities, decisions, and documents that result from the SBHC Steering Committee’s activities related to completing the comprehensive needs assessments in […]
Non Emergency Medical Assistance Transportation is available to all active Medical Assistance clients who reside in Garrett County and meet the screening equirements of the program set forth by the Grant. Medical […]
Foster an Integrated and Coordinated Behavioral Health Continuum of Care across the lifespan by developing, implementing, and evaluating screening, prevention, and early intervention services.
The Western Maryland Regional Breast and Cervical Cancer Screening Program is available to Garrett County uninsured women between the ages of 40-64 years. This program is located at the Allegany County Health […]
Using a collaborative approach to better meet the nutritional needs for our most vulnerable residents. The Garrett County Food Insecurity Workgroup is a part of the Western Maryland Food Council. The Food C […]
WIC families are encouraged to include more fruits and vegetables in their diets and family meals.
The prevalence of heart disease in Garrett County is high and residents of all ages need to know their risks and how to prevent a cardiovascular event. The goal is to make people aware of the importance of knowing […]
Too much ordering and spending at fiscal year-end creates inefficiencies, stress, and decreases job satisfaction.
Implement a multifaceted approach toward achieving the Goal of supporting access to quality behavioral health treatment and support services.
Our systematic approach to improving public health through standards, planning, measuring, and quality improvement.
Garrett County, Maryland, a rural Appalachian community bordering Pennsylvania and West Virginia, is tackling poverty through education, housing, and jobs. To meet the workforce needs of tomorrow, the county offers […]
The Reading Station is a 501 (c)(3) non-profit organization located in Oakland, Maryland focused on improving literacy in Garrett County by offering free functional reading instruction to children and adults.
We are encouraging Home Health patients to talk to their doctor about the Shingles vaccinations. Home Health asks all of their patients whether or not they have recieved the shot or not. Since we are right in the […]
Earned Income Tax Credit
There is strong evidence that the Earned Income Tax Credit (EITC) increases employment and income for participating families (Strully 2010,UW IRP-Dahl 2009, Hotz 2003, Ellwood 2000, NB […]
A tobacco prevention and cessation enrollment campaign designed by the Garrett County Health Department.
This group is dedicated to spreading the message about the upcoming 2020 Census and ensuring that County residents fill out their surveys so as to achieve as close to 100% completion as possible!
Human Papilloma Virus (HPV) is an infection that affects both males and females and is transmitted mainly through sexual contact. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, there are over 150 […]
Prescription drug abuse has become an area of concern in Garrett County and the United States. Many people use prescription drugs properly, but nearly 1 in 5 Garrett County youth reported abusing them to get high […]
Designed for Providers, this group seeks to create a baseline of Wellness Check-Up’s completed by local Practitioners as we seek to improve one of our counties poorest performing indicators.
Encouragement, resources, and connection during this time of tremendous chaos.
Substance Related Disorder Services at GCHD
Showcase the importance of Public Health and coordinate training opportunities with internal and external stakeholders.