Jennifer Corder edited the file: 12/06/18 Minutes in Adolescent Well Child Checks 6 years ago
Jennifer Corder edited the file: 02/07/2019 Minutes in Adolescent Well Child Checks 6 years ago
Jennifer Corder posted an update in the group Child and Adolescent Wellness Workgroup 6 years ago
Tomorrow, March 7th @ 1200, the Adolescent Work Group will meet in the conference room at GCHD.
Looking forward to seeing you there, and please invite any other interested parties! Feel free to bring your bag lunch and eat while we meet.
Wayne Darnell joined the group Garrett County Health Department 6 years ago
Teresa Friend joined the group Garrett County Health Department 6 years ago
Beth Brenneman uploaded the file: 02/07/2019 Minutes to Adolescent Well Child Checks 6 years, 1 month ago
Susan Mills posted an update in the group Child and Adolescent Wellness Workgroup 6 years, 1 month ago
Thanks for the invitation to join this group. Very excited to be a part of helping adolescents be and stay healthy. Has anyone considered having student representation on this committee? Having input from students could shed additional light on issues, concerns and roadblocks.
It was great to have you join in the group Susan, your insight is valuable. We have the plan to include students in our group, as they are THE key stakeholder. It’s just that we have only begun our meetings recently and we do not yet feel organised enough to bring them in. Please help us keep this on the front burner though, we don’t want too much…[Read more]
Susan Mills joined the group Child and Adolescent Wellness Workgroup 6 years, 1 month ago
Shelley Argabrite edited the doc Health Literacy Initiative in the group Adolescent Well Child Checks 6 years, 1 month ago
Jennifer Corder posted an update in the group Child and Adolescent Wellness Workgroup 6 years, 1 month ago
100% of clinical providers surveyed in Garrett County believe that our adolescents have unmet health care needs.
Looking forward to meeting again tomorrow to brainstorm solutions. Please send me any ideas for the agenda. One highlight tomorrow will be a guest speaker on a unique school-based health literacy program on the eastern shore.
Dr. Robert Phares posted an update in the group Child and Adolescent Wellness Workgroup 6 years, 1 month ago
Update everyone! After speaking to So, I had a great conversation with Tricia Roddy, Director of Planning Administration with Health Care Financing of Medicaid. After discussing the issue of low WCC in Garrett County and reviewing some YRBS data, she stated that she could get me in contact with the MCO’s that Medicaid has in Garrett County. F…[Read more]
Jennifer Corder uploaded the file: Strategies to improve adolescent care to Adolescent Well Child Checks 6 years, 1 month ago
This is a Medicaid document containing strategies for improving the uptake and quality of adolescent well child visits.
Jennifer Corder posted an update in the group Child and Adolescent Wellness Workgroup 6 years, 1 month ago
Dr. Schwalm has been curious about whether or not Medicaid offers any guidance on well care for the adolescent. In our search we came across this document, I will upload and link here:
It might be that there are some pearls within.
Jennifer Corder edited the doc Health Literacy Initiative in the group Adolescent Well Child Checks 6 years, 1 month ago
Jennifer Corder commented on the doc Health Literacy Initiative in the group Adolescent Well Child Checks 6 years, 2 months ago
Great progress, thanks Shelley
Shelley Argabrite edited the doc Health Literacy Initiative in the group Adolescent Well Child Checks 6 years, 2 months ago
Jennifer Corder posted an update in the group Child and Adolescent Wellness Workgroup 6 years, 2 months ago
Interesting article here about programs in Iceland centered around high risk behaviors of teens. Their solutions have worked exceptionally well for them. One of the lead authors is now working at WVU. Please take the time to read this and perhaps we can convince the researcher to visit us.…[Read more]