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Launching Data Insights: Explore The Stories Behind Our Community Priorities

Data Insights

There’s something new happening in Garrett County!

  • We’ve got new data on the issues we’re facing
  • New information on the stories behind those issues
  • New partners with local experience 

Check out our Data Insights ( power-packed bundle designed to spark conversations that lead to asking better questions for improved community resources. 

We published our Community Health Assessment earlier this year, and the massive (3,000+ pages) can be found here: The Garrett County Health Department Champions this work and both Garrett Regional Medical Center and Mountain Laurel Medical Center use the research for assessing needs in our community. It’s a vital service and we would like to use the report as a foundational piece as we build our Community Health Improvement Plan together!

We’re taking the top concerns that our community identified in our Community Health Assessment and creating a Data Insight about each area;

1) Mental Health (Now Available! –

2) Chronic Diseases

3) Jobs, Wages & Economic Development

4) Education

5) Health Insurance

6) Aging Populations

7) Substance Abuse

8) Child & Adolescent Health

9) Environmental Health

10) Affordable Housing

These comprehensive Data Insights detail our community story, the data we currently have, community services, resources, local points of contact, current coalitions/monthly meetings, and ways to take action! 

We’ll kick off this new series at the Health Planning Council next week (meeting info: We would love for you to join us! Plus, it’s a hybrid meeting, so you can come in-person, call-in, or join via Google Meets. You are the pulse of our community, and we want to hear from you!

Our first published Data Insight is written about the issue our community is most concerned about: Mental Health (Mental Health Data Insight: Due to the complexity of the topic, we will spend three consecutive months working together to identify the area we can collectively make the greatest impact.

If you aren’t able to participate during a scheduled meeting, leave your feedback in the comments below.

We look forward to working with each of you as we identify strategies based on data for our community health improvement work!

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Written by Shelley Argabrite
Hi! I’m currently serving Garrett County as the Health Planner. I enjoy the collaboration aspect of my job the most, working with great people is a blessing!

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