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Healthcare Access in Rural Communities

Coal Country

Uninsured In Coal Country: Desperate Americans Still Turn To Volunteer Clinics
Nov 7, 2016 – Details the efforts of a free mobile clinic program to address the health needs of people in rural Virginia. Without Medicaid expansion, the uninsured rate remains high, and lack of vision and dental care compound the problem. People camped out a day in advance for the weekend medical clinic, which anticipated it would deliver more than $1 million in healthcare services, including making 400 pairs of eyeglasses and pulling nearly 1,000 teeth.
Source: Kaiser Health News

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Written by Shelley Argabrite
Hi! I’m currently serving Garrett County as the Health Planner. I enjoy the collaboration aspect of my job the most, working with great people is a blessing!
1 Comment
  1. With the new insurances I have heard from a lot of people in my communities that says their premium costs have went up again. So to afford to get the insurance their deductibles and co-pays are so high that they can’t use the insurance even if they have it. Who or how can the people try to let the government know that they can not use their affordable care insurance.


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