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School-Based Health Center (SBHC) Needs Assessment

Public Group active %s

This group will serve as the public platform for all activities, decisions, and documents that result from the SBHC Steering Committee’s activities related to completing the comprehensive needs assessments in Garrett and Allegany Counties. The purpose of this needs assessment is to identify service gaps and the needs of students and families in the public school systems in Garrett and Allegany Counties.

Group Admins
Health Improvement Funding

"School-Based Health Center (SBHC) Needs Assessment"


Current Grant Name:

Western Maryland School-Based Health Center Partnership (WMSBHCP)

Current Grant Amount/Terms:

  • Grant amount $100,000
  • Grant terms
    • Complete a comprehensive needs assessment.
    • Present the findings to MDH and stakeholders to determine the next steps.
    • Spend the budget by the end of FY 2024.
    • The project may carry over into FY 2025.

Current Grant Start Date:


Current Grant End Date:


Current Funding Status (Primary/Largest Source):

Funded by State Grant

Additional Funding Notes and Previous Funding:

This grant opportunity was the first made available by MDH since assuming the responsibilities of the School-Based Health Center program from the Maryland State Department of Education. The grant funding helps local jurisdictions to identify needs and gaps to assist local education agencies/Boards of Education in meeting the requirements of Maryland's Blueprint for Future expanded education requirements as a result of the study completed by the Kirwan Commission and put into state legislation to improve education equity among students.