Rabies Program

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Rabies is a preventable viral disease of all mammals that is usually transmitted by the bite of a rabid animal. It is caused by viruses in the genus Lyssavirus and is nearly always fatal once symptoms appear. In domestic animals, the virus attacks the nervous system and infection results in an acute progressive encephalitis. The incubation period is 3-12 weeks, but can range from several days to months. Rabies virus may also be present in saliva 3-5 days prior to an animal exhibiting clinical signs.

In Maryland, rabies is most frequently found in wildlife, most commonly raccoons, foxes, skunks, and bats. Domestic animals, including livestock, are also at risk, and cats are the most frequently identified rabid domestic animal.

Group Admins
Quality Improvement

Rabies Program


Improvement Strategies and Objectives:

Strategy #1: Vaccinate as many pets as possible.
Objective #1: Promote Rabies Vaccination

Objective Time-Frame Target Measure: Animals Vaccinated against Rabies Virus

Objective Time-Frame Target Goal: 1000

Objective Time-Frame Target Date: 2022-09-30

Measure Target Goal Status Desired Trend Contributor January 2024 February 2024 March 2024 April 2024 May 2024 June 2024 July 2024 August 2024 September 2024 October 2024 November 2024 December 2024
Animals Vaccinated against Rabies Virus 1000 Active 0 0 0 0 241
View the full data for this objective (including larger text size) at: https://mygarrettcounty.com/groups/rabies-program/raw-data.

Measure Target Goal Status Desired Trend Contributor January 2023 February 2023 March 2023 April 2023 May 2023 June 2023 July 2023 August 2023 September 2023 October 2023 November 2023 December 2023
Animals Vaccinated against Rabies Virus 1000 Active 0 0 0 0 255 0 0 0 168 0 0 0
View the full data for this objective (including larger text size) at: https://mygarrettcounty.com/groups/rabies-program/raw-data.

Measure Target Goal Status Desired Trend Contributor January 2022 February 2022 March 2022 April 2022 May 2022 June 2022 July 2022 August 2022 September 2022 October 2022 November 2022 December 2022
Animals Vaccinated against Rabies Virus 1000 Active 0 0 0 0 328 150
View the full data for this objective (including larger text size) at: https://mygarrettcounty.com/groups/rabies-program/raw-data.

Measure Target Goal Status Desired Trend Contributor January 2021 February 2021 March 2021 April 2021 May 2021 June 2021 July 2021 August 2021 September 2021 October 2021 November 2021 December 2021
Animals Vaccinated against Rabies Virus 1000 Active 0 0 0 0 268 0 0 0 228 0 0 0
View the full data for this objective (including larger text size) at: https://mygarrettcounty.com/groups/rabies-program/raw-data.

Measure Target Goal Status Desired Trend Contributor January 2020 February 2020 March 2020 April 2020 May 2020 June 2020 July 2020 August 2020 September 2020 October 2020 November 2020 December 2020
Animals Vaccinated against Rabies Virus 1000 Active 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 123 0 0 0
View the full data for this objective (including larger text size) at: https://mygarrettcounty.com/groups/rabies-program/raw-data.

Measure Target Goal Status Desired Trend Contributor January 2019 February 2019 March 2019 April 2019 May 2019 June 2019 July 2019 August 2019 September 2019 October 2019 November 2019 December 2019
Animals Vaccinated against Rabies Virus 1000 Active 0 0 0 0 361 0 0 0 131 0 0 0
View the full data for this objective (including larger text size) at: https://mygarrettcounty.com/groups/rabies-program/raw-data.

Measure Target Goal Status Desired Trend Contributor January 2018 February 2018 March 2018 April 2018 May 2018 June 2018 July 2018 August 2018 September 2018 October 2018 November 2018 December 2018
Animals Vaccinated against Rabies Virus 1000 Active 0 0 0 0 411 129 0 0 299 0 0 0
View the full data for this objective (including larger text size) at: https://mygarrettcounty.com/groups/rabies-program/raw-data.

Measure Target Goal Status Desired Trend Contributor January 2017 February 2017 March 2017 April 2017 May 2017 June 2017 July 2017 August 2017 September 2017 October 2017 November 2017 December 2017
Animals Vaccinated against Rabies Virus 1000 Active 0 0 0 0 370 99 0 0 263 0 0 0
View the full data for this objective (including larger text size) at: https://mygarrettcounty.com/groups/rabies-program/raw-data.

Objective #2: Vaccinate Pets

Objective Time-Frame Target Measure: Animals Vaccinated against Rabies Virus

Objective Time-Frame Target Goal: 1000

Objective Time-Frame Target Date: 2022-09-30

Measure Target Goal Status Desired Trend Contributor January 2024 February 2024 March 2024 April 2024 May 2024 June 2024 July 2024 August 2024 September 2024 October 2024 November 2024 December 2024
Animals Vaccinated against Rabies Virus 1000 Active 0 0 0 0 241
View the full data for this objective (including larger text size) at: https://mygarrettcounty.com/groups/rabies-program/raw-data.

Measure Target Goal Status Desired Trend Contributor January 2023 February 2023 March 2023 April 2023 May 2023 June 2023 July 2023 August 2023 September 2023 October 2023 November 2023 December 2023
Animals Vaccinated against Rabies Virus 1000 Active 0 0 0 0 255 0 0 0 168 0 0 0
View the full data for this objective (including larger text size) at: https://mygarrettcounty.com/groups/rabies-program/raw-data.

Measure Target Goal Status Desired Trend Contributor January 2022 February 2022 March 2022 April 2022 May 2022 June 2022 July 2022 August 2022 September 2022 October 2022 November 2022 December 2022
Animals Vaccinated against Rabies Virus 1000 Active 0 0 0 0 328 150
View the full data for this objective (including larger text size) at: https://mygarrettcounty.com/groups/rabies-program/raw-data.

Measure Target Goal Status Desired Trend Contributor January 2021 February 2021 March 2021 April 2021 May 2021 June 2021 July 2021 August 2021 September 2021 October 2021 November 2021 December 2021
Animals Vaccinated against Rabies Virus 1000 Active 0 0 0 0 268 0 0 0 228 0 0 0
View the full data for this objective (including larger text size) at: https://mygarrettcounty.com/groups/rabies-program/raw-data.

Measure Target Goal Status Desired Trend Contributor January 2020 February 2020 March 2020 April 2020 May 2020 June 2020 July 2020 August 2020 September 2020 October 2020 November 2020 December 2020
Animals Vaccinated against Rabies Virus 1000 Active 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 123 0 0 0
View the full data for this objective (including larger text size) at: https://mygarrettcounty.com/groups/rabies-program/raw-data.

Measure Target Goal Status Desired Trend Contributor January 2019 February 2019 March 2019 April 2019 May 2019 June 2019 July 2019 August 2019 September 2019 October 2019 November 2019 December 2019
Animals Vaccinated against Rabies Virus 1000 Active 0 0 0 0 361 0 0 0 131 0 0 0
View the full data for this objective (including larger text size) at: https://mygarrettcounty.com/groups/rabies-program/raw-data.

Measure Target Goal Status Desired Trend Contributor January 2018 February 2018 March 2018 April 2018 May 2018 June 2018 July 2018 August 2018 September 2018 October 2018 November 2018 December 2018
Animals Vaccinated against Rabies Virus 1000 Active 0 0 0 0 411 129 0 0 299 0 0 0
View the full data for this objective (including larger text size) at: https://mygarrettcounty.com/groups/rabies-program/raw-data.

Measure Target Goal Status Desired Trend Contributor January 2017 February 2017 March 2017 April 2017 May 2017 June 2017 July 2017 August 2017 September 2017 October 2017 November 2017 December 2017
Animals Vaccinated against Rabies Virus 1000 Active 0 0 0 0 370 99 0 0 263 0 0 0
View the full data for this objective (including larger text size) at: https://mygarrettcounty.com/groups/rabies-program/raw-data.

Rabies Program - Quality Improvement Project #1


Problem Statement

The number of animals being vaccinated at the rabies clinics are declining.

Aim / Overall Goal / Desired Result

To increase the number of animals (dogs/cats/ferrets) that are vaccinated at the rabies clinics.

Change Idea

To once again send reminder postcards, in the mail, to pet owners whose pets have been to the clinics before and are due for their rabies vaccination booster shot.

PDSA Objective

Increase the awareness of pet owners knowing if their dog/cat/ferret is current on their rabies vaccination status.

PDSA Cycle Number: 1

Estimated PDSA Implementation Timeline

From 2022-05-01 to 2022-09-30

What questions do you want answered for this change?

Does advertising more and sending postcards increase the number of animals vaccinated?


Predict what will happen when this test is carried out:

More dogs/cats/ferrets will be vaccinated against the rabies virus.

List the tasks needed to set-up this change: (Please include the person responsible, when the task is to be completed, and where the task is to be completed for each task.)

Postcards - Kris Rabies Vaccination Clinics - All EH staff & Outreach Staff

Related Improvement Measure:

Animals Vaccinated against Rabies Virus


Describe what happened when you ran the test:

Post cards where sent to all owners of pets who had been to one of our rabies clinics before and had an animal that had a rabies vaccination expire in 2022.


Describe the measured results, and how they compared to the predictions:

Overall, 478 animals were vaccinated in 2022. 496 animals were vaccinated in 2021, when we did not send post cards as reminders.


Describe what modifications in the plan will be made for the next cycle from what you learned:

We will not send post cards to animal owners as a reminder that their animal is due for a rabies vaccination.

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