Overdose Fatality Review

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An Overdose Fatality Review is a locally-based, multi-disciplinary process for understanding the risk factors and circumstances leading to fatal overdoses and identifying opportunities to prevent future overdoses. Garrett County has a local team made up of a diverse group of stakeholders who collaborate to share data and study the death of a specific individual to identify gaps in the system that could have saved that person’s life.

The OFR Team is currently funded by the American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) funding. The
the objective is to increase the capacity of the Local Overdose Fatality Review Teams to implement recommendations and ensure a successful implementation that addresses systemic factors contributing to the risk of overdose, addiction substance misuse, and/or behavioral disorders in the prospective communities, thereby improving substance misuse outcomes among young adults and older adults.

Group Admins
Health Improvement Strategy

Overdose Fatality Review



Goal 1: Review, update, and continue improving the current Recommendation Plan process. Objective 1a. Identify at least one recommendation at each review meeting. Objective 1b. Develop six recommendation work plans and review/update the status of each one at the beginning of the LOFRT meetings. Objective 1c. Annually, draft a report to showcase progress, findings, and recommendations. Present the report to the LOFRT. Goal 2: Improve attitudes and decrease discrimination towards people with substance use disorders. Objective 2a. By December 31, 2024, provide anti-stigma presentations to six community organizations. Objective 2b. By June 30, 2025, acquire 100 pledges from individuals who pledge to end stigma and support others in speaking up about substance use disorders. Goal 3: Expand the understanding of life experience of a decedent by conducting Next of Kin Interviews. Objective 3a. By December 31, 2024, one LOFRT member will be trained in the Next of Kin Interview process. Objective 3b. By June 30, 2025, conduct two Next of Kin interviews.

Strategy Description:

The purpose of the American Rescue Plan funding is to enhance the prevention infrastructure by increasing the capacity of the Local Overdose Fatality Review Team (LOFRT) to implement recommendations to address systemic factors contributing to the risk of overdose, addiction, and substance misuse.

Level of Change:


Primary Focus Area:

Access to Care and Linkages to Community Resources

Data Category Tag:

GCHD Health Education and Outreach

Strategic Planning Alignment:

Estimated Implementation Date:


Estimated Completion Date:


Estimated Ease of Implementation:


Estimated Cost of Implementation:


Potential Community Benefit:


Health Equity:


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