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Oral Health Outreach

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This is the parent group for Oral Health Education and Dental Treatment.  Although dental treament data is restricted to the Garrett County Health Department’s Dental Care Center it does play a critical role as a safety net provider for those individual who are uninsured or have Maryland Medical Assistance including MCHIP.

Group Admins
Quality Improvement

Oral Health Outreach

Improvement Strategies and Objectives:

Oral Health Outreach - Quality Improvement Project #1


Problem Statement

Lack of education on topical and systemic fluoride within the Garrett County Community.

Aim / Overall Goal / Desired Result

Increase community education by 10% from April 1, 2024, through October 31, 2024, on the benefits of fluoride. This will be achieved in the GCHD Dental Care Center as well as local medical facilities.

Change Idea

Increase community education on topical and community water fluoridation

PDSA Objective

Educate local healthcare providers and community partners on the benefits of topical and systemic fluoride in oral health.

PDSA Cycle Number: 1

Estimated PDSA Implementation Timeline

From 2024-04-01 to 0004-10-31

What questions do you want answered for this change?

Is the community being provided with enough education on the benefits of topical and systemic fluoride to improve the oral health of individuals?


Predict what will happen when this test is carried out:

Individuals will begin accepting topical fluoride at a higher rate when applied at a dental or medical facility.

List the tasks needed to set-up this change: (Please include the person responsible, when the task is to be completed, and where the task is to be completed for each task.)

  • Reporting code had to be established in PatTrac to document when patients were being educated on fluoride in addition to their normal appointment -McKenzie and IT/PatTrac
  • Educational materials ordered through MDAC and ADA to provide to the community and medical facilities- McKenzie and Macey
  • Medical providers will be contacted to discuss education that can be shared to their patients, Macey, and Kayley/Google Sheet
  • GCHD Dental providers will enter documentation that fluoride education occurred in addition to reviewing home care with patients- All Staff/PatTrac and Medical facilities

Related Improvement Measure:

4) Number of patients provided with additional education regarding the benefits of fluoride at GCHD Dental Care Center.


Describe what happened when you ran the test:


Describe the measured results, and how they compared to the predictions:


Describe what modifications in the plan will be made for the next cycle from what you learned: