Garrett County is often the lowest county in the state for yearly adolescent well child checks. It is important for the children and adolescents of our community to be seen yearly for this preventive visit where we can ensure that these children are healthy and developing normally. Age-appropriate education and screening are also completed at a well-child visit as well as updating immunizations if needed. And, a yearly well child check can help to catch problems early, when they may be easier to treat. Let’s share ideas and collaborate on ways to increase awareness and get our adolescents in to see their doctor for a yearly preventive exam.
Shared by the Garrett County LBHA - w/ Interactive Registration Links for Events, Trainings, and Activities
Published June 2022
Studied the direct and indirect effects of school-based health centers (SBHCs) on the health and health behaviors of middle and high school students.
School-based health centers (SBHCs) play an increasingly major role in providing mental health services for students. This study evaluated the impact of SBHCs on mental health-care services and psychosocial health related quality of life.