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Garrett County Population Health Update ā€“ Year 5, Episode 4


March 22, 2021 Population Health Update Important Reminders and Links

Make a commitment to get more physical activity this month! For practical advice on how to get started check out the blog post titled, Haley’s Top Ten Tips

Keela Pfaff was the random prize winner for the Kindle Fire and earned 25 extra points for her video submission for the Capture It! Campaign that just concluded. View her video here:
Be on the lookout šŸ‘€ for the Get Outside 2021 Spring Campaign! 

Go! Garrett County is partnering with Garrett Growers, University of Maryland Extension, and the Western Maryland Food Council to help us eat more veggies! There will be redeemable tokens for the Veggie Boxes provided by Garrett Growers and a video series beginning in April on how to properly store and prepare the fresh produce. Be sure to check out the Western Maryland Food Council Conference starting later this week to learn more or to register at

The mission of the Health Planning Council is to be responsive to the needs of the community.  It’s a collaborative public group that meets monthly and shares informative and timely information. This week local guest speakers will address the prevention, intervention, and treatment of opioids in the County.  There will also be a COVID-19 update from Health Officer, Bob Stephens.  Please find the Google Meet link here, we hope you can join us:

To help reduce chronic disease, letting go of tobacco classes will begin in April. Learn more about class locations, pharmaceutical aids, and instructor support by watching the video found here: (Coming soon!)

The latest Action Group created on the Garrett County Planning Tool found @ originated as a collaborative effort of medical providers in the community who have an interest in reducing childhood obesity. The group is just beginning to lay out the goals, strategies, and how they will measure their progress. Other members who have programs and initiatives that also have that goal have been invited to join, so we can all work together.  Check out the brand new Healthy Weight Workgroup here:

A major benefit of having a digital planning tool like the one found at is that it helps us not to duplicate efforts. The Garrett County Planning Tool is celebrating the fifth year of operation in Garrett County and continues to grow and serve the community. With powerful tools of transparency, creating and maintaining a community of collaboration is possible!Ā 

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Written by Shelley Argabrite
Hi! Iā€™m currently serving Garrett County as the Health Planner. I enjoy the collaboration aspect of my job the most, working with great people is a blessing!

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