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Planning Meeting Doc

Local Celebration Planning 


Attending:  John Corbin, Bob Stephens, Kevin, Charles Wilt, Steve, Karen, Shelley



Continuous video for screening room: 45 min loop:  John

4:30-5:00 Refreshments

5:15 Welcome:

Intro, Steve

Purpose, Shelley

who, what, when, what does it mean for me (GC residents), introduce the committee, thank kimi-scott, mark and rodney

Culture of Health Ambassadors, (short paragraph), J & S print badges

ONE PAGER including pictures

“This is how the Culture of Health Prize has benefited us”

Gina A.


Pam H: Funding


Karen: Funding


Steve K or Barb

Pat Kane: Sales Tool

Jacob H. (vista):  Shelley needs to invite


Marketing Station: John, Pat and Jen

Funding Station: Pam, Karen

Health Station: Bob, Charles, Mark:  Materials, copies of the CHIP

Play 11 minute video


Paul- Wrap Up: Ambassador

5:45: Networking

It was decided that we should have two events rather than just one.  January 18th will be an event to engage community members ad families which will last from 6 to 8:00 pm.  A second event will target potential partners such as businesses, organizations, and government officials.

  • Inclusive Community Event: $20.00 food voucher for 200 families (one per household), 6-8 pm, care coordinators from mountain laurel, Garrett Guide, MAP coordinator?


  • Set-up: Screening Room,


  • Social Media, Approved School Flyer


Bob, checking on vouchers with Barb

John, checking dates and try to find a gap for Wisp Crawford Room for the event that will target partners.

Discussion (1)

  1. Fred Polce says:

    Was not sure the location to put the information for the Garrett County Digital Resource Directory that will be a station for Teresa Friend and Fred Polce. Does anyone know if the Learning Beyond the Classroom bus will be available for attendees to visit?

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