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Garrett County Gives Back

The following is a DRAFT. No materials have been confirmed as final.

Garrett County Gives Back (Rough Draft)

Celebrating the recent 2017 Robert Wood Johnson Foundation Culture of Health Prize awarded to Garrett County, for its collective work in addressing the social determinants of health and bridging the divide among equity, economics, and education.

Event Location: Garrett County Community Aquatic and Recreation Complex (CARC), 695 Mosser Rd, McHenry, MD 21541

Date: January 18, 2017


  • 4:00-5:00pm Set-Up
  • 5:00-6:00pm Voucher Line Formation, Community Education, Materials Distribution
  • 6:00-8:00pm Community Voucher Distribution, Resource Coordination, FREE Community Swim
  • 8:00-8:30pm Clean-Up

Facebook Event Invite:

Email Marketing:


Garrett County, in its collective quest to diminish the negative effects of the social determinants of health at every corner, will take an innovative approach to planning and conducting the community prize celebration event for the recent 2017 Robert Wood Johnson Foundation Culture of Health Prize.

As this prize celebration is a rare opportunity to “dream bigger,” the Garrett County team will be devising and hosting a community give-back event specifically targeted to community members with food insecurities.

Often, during the harsh winters experienced in Garrett County, residents and families with food insecurities face a lack of available resources during the central winter months. This dearth of resources means that families, many of those identified through our community health planning processes, will go hungry in the months following December until food resources are replenished and once again generally available to those illustrating the greatest need.

The “Garrett County Gives Back” event is designed to build off the press and opportunities presented through the accomplishment of being named one of the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation’s 2017 Culture of Health communities. Our goal for this event is to assist vulnerable and at-risk populations in Garrett County by providing food vouchers to families in need and creating coordination opportunities to assist families in accessing available community services through personal communications and on-demand via the Garrett County Resource Guide.  Additionally, families will have the opportunity to participate in a FREE community swim at the CARC.

Event Details:

The “Garrett County Gives Back” event will be held at the Garrett County CARC (695 Mosser Rd, McHenry, MD 21541), centrally located for the convenience of the county’s residents, and will be composed of multiple stations to serve vulnerable populations in Garrett County including:

  • Food Voucher Giveaway
    • Food vouchers for the [Insert Grocery Store(s)] (to be confirmed) will be distributed in $20 denominations to the first 200 Garrett County households in attendance of the Garrett County Gives Back event.
    • Community leaders from a variety of backgrounds will be onsite providing distribution as an opportunity for the general public to share input and ask questions about community processes as they obtain their vouchers.
    • Vouchers will be given away at 6:00pm.
    • Individuals required: Bob Stephens, Charles Wilt, Shelley Argabrite, Steve Putnam, Karen DeVore, GRMC Representative(s), Garrett County Government Representative(s) (Kevin?)
    • (See station location on next page)
  • Garrett County Resource Guide
    • A coordinator from the Garrett County Local Management Board will be available to assist citizens in accessing and utilizing the new digital community resource guide located at
    • Individuals required: Fred Polce, Teresa Friend
    • (See station location on next page)
  • Community Resource Coordinators
    • Coordinators from the local FQHC, Mountain Laurel Medical Center, will be onsite to assist citizens in finding community resources that they may be qualify for as a household.
    • Individuals required: Mountain Laurel Medical Center staff as assigned by Charles
    • (See station location on next page)
  • Culture of Health Prize Video Screening & Materials
    • The ~11 minute Culture of Health Prize community video for Garrett County will be played on loop in a makeshift screening room.
    • Promotional materials and information brochures will be available for community members in attendance.
    • Individuals required: John Corbin
    • (See station location on next page)
  • FREE Community Swim
    • Community members will be able to swim for free from 6:00-8:00pm during the CARC’s free community swim.
    • Individuals required: Steve Putnam, CARC Staff
    • (See station location on next page)
  • Entrance
    • Greeters will reinforce the event concept, help families understand the benefits offered, hand out RWJF flyer, and provide recommendations.
    • Individuals required: To be determined…
    • (See station location on next page)

Proposed Layout:

Required Materials:

Materials: Responsible Person Check-Off
Screen Steve P.
Projector Steve P.
4x 6FT Tables
6x 8FT Tables
Ambassador Badges John C.
Laptop John C.
RWJF Video John C.
RWJF Prize Materials John C.
Community Services Brochures John C.
Limited Refreshments



Coming soon!

  • Social Media
  • Print
  • Dissemination Locations
  • Etc…


Discussion (3)

  1. John Corbin says:

    Good afternoon!

    I’ve compiled a draft framework for the concepts we discussed at the last meeting here:

    Please feel free to make modifications and/or comment on any specific components. Thanks to the ongoing documentation provided by the tool, records of all modifications to this document can be referenced here: in case you need to see anything from previous versions.

    I have also reached out the Chamber, and discovered that the new Membership Development Director just started today; however, all of the Business Before Hours and Business After Hours events for 2018 have been booked.

    Looking at the schedule of events currently slated for 2018, it looks like the following dates would have the least amount of conflicts and/or activity on that given week:

    Tuesday, February 6, 2018
    Thursday, February 8, 2018
    Tuesday, February 20, 2018
    Wednesday, February 21, 2018
    Thursday, February 22, 2018
    Friday, February 23, 2018
    Monday, March 5, 2018
    Tuesday, March 6, 2018
    Wednesday, March 7, 2018
    Thursday, March 8, 2018
    Friday, March 9, 2018

    Please respond if any of these dates contain conflicts in the morning. Notes from the meeting last week are available here:

    Once we have eliminated conflicts for the business event, I will see what facilities are available to host from the remaining pool.

    I have also started to develop a centralized informational packet specifically targeted toward assisting businesses promote the Culture of Health prize in their operations. I will have a draft of this toolkit posted to the group by next Wednesday, December 13, 2017.

    Please submit any comments and/or feedback by Thursday, December 7, 2017 in order to keep this process moving forward.

    Thanks, and have a wonderful day!

  2. John Corbin says:

    Thank you everyone for the positive emails!

    At this time, no details or content suggestions were made apart from available dates for the business event. Therefore, I will begin producing invitations and marketing collateral based on the event details proposed in the doc (

    The dates that have yet to generate any conflicts for the business event are:
    Tuesday, February 20, 2018
    Friday, February 23, 2018
    Friday, March 9, 2018

    Shelley will call to see if these dates are available, and let everyone know ASAP.

    Items to be finalized within the near future for “Garrett County Gives Back” are:
    Marketing Collateral & Invitations (John)
    Culture of Health Ambassador Badges (John)
    Food Vouchers & Participating Business(es) (Bob)
    Limited Refreshment Planning (Shelley)
    Volunteers (Anyone)

    Please confirm your attendance with any participating individuals from your organization(s), and let me know if you’d like to have any resources available for dissemination at the materials station so I can plan for the size of the display.

    Thanks everyone, and stay warm during this wintry weekend!

  3. John Corbin says:

    1.23.1 – Updated Doc to include event materials, press release, Facebook event subscription, email marketing campaigns, and a few compressed photos.

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