1/5/2022 Meeting Minutes

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1/5/2022 Meeting Minutes
WORKGROUP ON CHILD AND ADOLESCENT HEALTH January 5, 2022 Virtual Meeting Minutes   THOSE PRESENT Susan Mills, GCHD Dr. Karl Schwalm, Retired MD Dr. Stephanie Sisler, Lovelight Peds Laura Robinson, MDH Kendra Thayer, GRMC Shelley Argabrite, GCHD John Hummel, GCPS Amy Ritchie, GCHD Amy Fike, Lighthouse John Corbin, GCHD Kimi Scott-McGreevy, GRMC Dr. Sotiere Savopoulos, Cornerstone Becky Aiken, GCPS   Dr. Schwalm called the meeting to order at 8:33 a.m.   HEALTHY WEIGHT AND GO CRELLIN On December 15, Amy Ritchie (GCHD), Dana (Crellin’s principal) and Caroline (school nurse) reviewed the assessment forms and those with elevated blood pressures.  
  • Caroline has agreed to do two additional blood pressure readings on these students using a manual cuff
  • She will record the readings
  • Contact with the parents of the students with elevated blood pressure will be made with the recommendation of making an appointment with their PCP.
  • Amy will touch base with her at the end of the month to get the BP results
  • The Health Department will go back in May for post assessments
  Thomas George set up an online Healthy Weight program that PCPs can take and earn CEUs.  There are nine providers participating.    Providers can sign up until February 7.  The contact link is:  http://previewmailerlife.com/n7r6g4   CHILD MENTAL HEALTH Amber and Dr. Schwalm will be doing a half hour interview on WKHJ about healthy weight for children and Mary VanSickle and he will be interviewing about child mental health.   Kelly Rock, Mary VanSickle, and Dr. Schwalm will be doing Ground Rounds on February 7 to present information on child mental health.  There will be a half hour of education and a half hour of discussion.  The object of the program is to enable providers to be more comfortable with mental health issues and prescribing meds for depression, OCD, etc.   CHILD MENTAL HEALTH MONTH May is Mental Health Month.  How can we educate the public and tackle the issues?  This will be the topic for February’s meeting.   With no further business to discuss, the meeting adjourned at 9:13 a.m.   Respectfully Submitted,   Beth A. Brenneman

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January 12, 2022 at 9:43 am Beth Brenneman
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