05/23/2019 Meeting Minutes

Health Planning Council’s Docs 05/23/2019 Meeting Minutes



Garrett County Health Department Conference Room

May 23, 2019




Board of Health Members in Attendance

Commissioner Larry Tichnell              Commissioner Paul Edwards              Commissioner Jim Hinebaugh

Bob Stephens, Health Officer


Health Planning Council Members in Attendance

Steve Putnam                                      Robin McGill                                       Regina Gearhart

Edgar Harman                                     George Evans                                      Kimi Scott-McGreevy

Staff and Visitors

Rene Shreve (GC Republican)             Laura Schroyer (MLMC)                                 Andrea Davis (Hospice)

Donna Fost (Alzheimer Assoc.)           Dr. Bill Pope                                                    Kendra McLaughlin (GCHD)

Ann Bristow                                        Fred Polce, Jr. (GCHD)



The semi-annual meeting of the Board of Health was called to order by Paul Edwards at 8:04 a.m. and turned the meeting over to Health Planning Council Chairman Steve Putnam.



Approval of HPC Meeting Minutes – The minutes from the April 25, 2019 meeting were approved as submitted.



Update of Membership – Dr. Schwalm and Edgar Harman have agreed to continue to serve on HPC for another three years, however, Sandy Hill will not be able to fulfill her position.  We have been given a few suggestions, but if you know of person/s that can fill the position, please contact Bob.


Status of Health – COMAR requires that the Status of Health be presented to the Board of Health on an annual basis.  (See attached Powerpoint)


This year’s SOH includes “tags” on the SHIP indicators that signify that there is a group on

mygarrettcounty.com and there are teams meeting, and addressing the tagged issue.


Agency Updates –

AHEC West – They will be providing free in-person assistance on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 10:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. at St. Peter’s Rectory in Westernport for those that may be losing their health insurance benefits. (see attached flyer)

Hospice – Their 24th Annual Walk for Hospice is scheduled for June 16, 2019 at The Glades Town Park.  (see attached flyer)

Ann Bristow – To maximize the use of natural gas, there are plans to keep the gas in the area it is produced.  Her group is concerned for the possible health problems from the production of plastics in Ohio. (see attached flyer)



With no further business to discuss, the meeting adjourned at 9:17 a.m.  The next HPC meeting is scheduled for June 27th in the conference room of the Garrett County Health Department.


Respectfully Submitted,




Robert Stephens, MS

Health Officer/HPC Secretary


Recorded by BAB


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