05/02/19 Meeting Minutes

You are currently viewing a revision titled "05/02/19 Meeting Minutes", saved on May 9, 2019 at 4:56 am by Beth Brenneman
05/02/19 Meeting Minutes
ADOLESCENT WELLNESS WORK GROUP May 2, 2019 THOSE PRESENT:  Laura Schroyer, Shelley Argabrite, Dr. Karl Schwalm, Dr. Jenny Corder, Jessica Savage, John Corbin, Beth Brenneman   The meeting was called to order at 12:04 p.m. in the meeting room in Behavioral Health.  The minutes from the April 4th meeting are posted on the group on mygarrettcounty.com.   PARENT AND TEEN SURVEYS RE: ADOLESCENT STATISTICS IN GARRETT COUNTY There is a survey for the parents, and one for teens.  The term teen/adolescent was defined as 13 years old and older for the sake of this survey.  “Age” will be an added category to the teen survey.  The survey will go out using Power School and will use Play Hard Live Clean group to distribute survey.  Gift cards will be offered as a bonus.   There were some suggestions to shorten and simplify the survey, which could have a better rate of completion.  Also, add the reason for the survey, along with age and gender.  Check the language so that an adolescent can understand the terms.  Dr. Corder will review the suggestions and will draft a new survey.   UPDATE ON INTEGRATED HEALTH CURRICULM No attendees from Garrett County Public Schools.   UPDATE ON ADOLESCENT WELL-CHECKS Dr. Schwalm spoke to Dr. Sisler about Foster Care physicals and she believes this is an important issue and is interested in helping where she can.   Dr. Schwalm will be meeting with surgeons to mainly discuss opioids, but there will also be other topics. WHERE DO WE GO FROM HERE There needs to be partner involvement in implementing the surveys and to reach out to youth organizations, such as scouts, 4-H, etc.   It would also be beneficial to reach out to coaches and service organizations, such as Rotary, Fire Departments, etc.   With no further business to discuss, the meeting adjourned at 1:28 p.m.  The next meeting is scheduled for Noon on June 6th in Conference Room C of the Garrett County Health Department.   Respectfully Submitted,       Beth A. Brenneman

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May 9, 2019 at 9:56 am Beth Brenneman
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