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Pressley Ridge

327 Beall Street Cumberland Maryland 21502 US

Treatment Foster Care, Community Based Mental Health Services


Pressley Ridge’s services are guided by the Re-Education philosophy.  We understand that traumatic experiences can change the way people view themselves, others, and their world, and can impact the individual’s safety, well-being, and permanence.  With this in mind, engaging the entire family in the treatment and care of the children, adults, and families that we serve is paramount to creating success.

Learn how Pressley Ridge’s Trauma-Informed Care and Family Engagement Initiative shape our services.


Foster Care
Our Foster Care services places children and youth in a stable home with specially-trained foster parents, while working to reunite them with their biological families or find an adoptive family.


Individualized mental health services designed to strengthen, preserve and keep families together so that children can remain at home and in their own schools and communities; as well as outpatient clinics for adults.


Intensive, individualized education for children with mental and behavioral issues with a goal of returning the student to the public school setting; as well as specialized education for children with autism and deafness.


​Residential Treatment
Individualized, trauma-sensitive care in small group homes and campus-based facilities emphasizing psychological safety, trusting relationships, competency development and family involvement.