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#QuestionMonday – Jennifer & Jessica Are Back to Answer Your Questions About COVID-19 & Vaccinations!

As part of the new web series, Jennifer & Jessica Explain It All, our local school health nurse heroes are back to answer your questions!

Ask your question(s) below, and our team will review them and prepare 1-2 video blogs (vlogs) each Friday!

(Learn more about the new web series at:

P.S. While you’re here, you can also sign-up for a free health planning account on to join the community improvement discussion and explore local data. There are now hundreds of local action groups collaborating on strategies remotely on to improve health and well-being in Garrett County!

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Written by John Corbin
Garrett County Health Department Population Health, Innovation, & Informatics Unit
  1. Are you going to take the vaccine? Which one is the best vaccine to get?

  2. will we still have to wear masks?

  3. Has Garrett County received any vaccines for our nurses, doctors and 1st responders ?

  4. Do you have any information about when Garrett County will receive its’ first vaccine shipment??
    As one of the surging counties, it seems our front line workers deserve the vaccine very soon!,

  5. Once vaccinated, can you still spread the virus?..

  6. Is the vaccine safe for someone taking PrEP?

  7. will the vaccine give you covid

  8. Where can you get the vaccine? Is there a timeline chart somewhere for the different groups ?

  9. Is there a timeline chart somewhere for the different groups ?

  10. How will I know when I specifically will be able to get vaccinated? Will someone notify me personally?

  11. Once I am vaccinated, can I stop wearing a mask?

  12. For “teachers” 1b I can only find that it is for k-12 can the county please pursue college instructors to be included as well as we are dealing with a risky population in a classroom. K-12 are NOT currently teaching in a classroom. This is very important. If we are a teacher what documentation do we need to register and where or how will we get the link to register. Thank you for all of your help and support


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