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National Nutrition Month- Reduce the Fat

National Nutrition Month is winding down. Hopefully you have made some healthy changes this month and will continue to keep doing the changes you have made. This week I want you to consider getting less fat in your diet. You can do this by limiting or avoiding fried food; eating less or no fast food, along with watching the extras that you add to your food. By extras I mean, butter, gravy, margarine, salad dressing such as Ranch, sour cream, cream cheese and mayo, just to name a few. If you are trying to lose weight cutting back on fat is a great place to start! A gram of fat has 9 calories compared to a gram of carbohydrate which has 4 calories as does a gram of protein. Try your best to incorporate all the National Nutrition Month suggestions on “Go Nuts with Amy!”  the remainder of March!

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