To publicize the issues raised at the Garrett County Roundtable on Homelessness, promote collaboration among agencies and make the general public aware of the resources available for those struggling with housing […]
The Garrett County Drug Free Communities Coalition is the defending force for our county’s fight for the reduction and prevention of substance abuse.
Implement a multifaceted approach toward achieving the Goal of supporting access to quality behavioral health treatment and support services.
Prescription drug abuse has become an area of concern in Garrett County and the United States. Many people use prescription drugs properly, but nearly 1 in 5 Garrett County youth reported abusing them to get high […]
REFIT is Revolutionary Fitness. REFIT® focuses on the whole person. Refit doesn’t guarantee results, we guarantee relationships. This is fitness for all. We welcome experts and embrace beginners. This is not […]
Club 21550 is a Planning Group that plans Alcohol and Drug Free events for the community and families. Most events are free or low cost.
This group is for persons who are interested in faith- based drug and alcohol prevention, treatment and recovery.
”But thanks be to God! He gives us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ.” I Corinthians 15:57