The Local Behavioral Health Authority is the management entity for publicly funded mental health and substance related disorder services. The agency strives to improve these services for residents of Garrett […]
Early Care Programs System of Care offers voluntary home visiting services that empower parents, at no cost, to give their child the best beginning in life! Early Care Programs offers Healthy Families Garrett […]
The priority for Behavioral Health is to foster an integrated Behavioral Health continuum of care. The integrated system shall promote Behavioral Health treatment, recovery, and wellness as access to Behavioral […]
Garrett County is often the lowest county in the state for yearly adolescent well child checks. It is important for the children and adolescents of our community to be seen yearly for this preventive visit where we […]
The Garrett County Apprenticeship Program is registered with the Maryland Department of Labor, Licensing and Regulation (DLLR) as a Maryland Apprenticeship and Training Program (MATP) and serves Disconnected Youth […]
The intent of the members of the Early Childhood Advisory Council is to come together in a consistent and coordinated way to narrow the achievement gap, especially for children with high needs, and to improve the […]
This group is dedicated to compiling ideas, raising funds, and getting the word out to build a new Library and Town Hall building for the town of Friendsville!
Foster an Integrated and Coordinated Behavioral Health Continuum of Care across the lifespan by developing, implementing, and evaluating screening, prevention, and early intervention services.
The Local Management Board and the Western Maryland Consortium partner in this program to identify youth in Garrett County that are economically disadvantaged and have a barrier to overcome when seeking employment.
Children receive mixed messages in regards to tobacco, alcohol and other drug use. They are ‘copy cats’ in every way. The ’Just Like You!’ campaign is created to show adults the impact they have on childre […]