John Corbin replied to the topic "The Gus Schumacher Nutrition Incentive Program" – 5 years, 11 months ago
@jencor – this one appears to have a broader eligibility for similar projects.
Shelley Argabrite posted an update in the group Coordinated Behavioral Health 6 years, 1 month ago
Reminder: SBIRT Lunch & Learn happening today at the Garrett County Health Department, 1025 Memorial Drive Oakland MD, it’s starts at noon. All are welcome! @jencor @majorbaylee
Shelley Argabrite posted an update in the group Coordinated Behavioral Health 6 years, 1 month ago
@majorbaylee There’s an interest in our community from various stakeholders to have an SBIRT training.
Is this something that could be coordinated through the Behavioral Health Authority? @jencor @flmacc
The Behavioral Health Authority could certainly assist with coordinating. I have included the SAMHSA link which provides explanation about SBIRT:
BHA offers so many resources for Garrett County, it’s great to know that this important training could be a reality for interested stakeholders. The link is also very helpful, thanks!
Some additional coordination, regarding SBIRT in Garrett County, could take place by working with existing providers implementing SBIRT, such as Mountain Laurel Medical Center. Additionally, our Deputy Health Officer, Dr. Jennifer Corder, would be an excellent resource, as well as this link: