Gillian Shreve uploaded the file: Upcoming MACS Training Opportunities to Local Behavioral Health Authority 1 day, 3 hours ago
Please see the upcoming training opportunities from the Maryland Addiction Consultation Service (MACS) below. More information and details on how to register can be found in the attached fliers and at
Opioid Treatment Program ECHO Clinic: Motivational Interviewing
Wednesday, March 5 (12:30–1:30 pm)
Presented by Christopher Welsh, MD
Alcohol Use Disorder Review, Co-Occurring Disorders, and Pharmacologic Treatments/Pitfall
Friday, March 7 (12–1 pm)
Presented by Avinash Ramprashad, MD
Maternal Health ECHO Clinic: Urine Drug Testing
Tuesday, March 11 (8–9 am)
Presented by Christopher Welsh, MD
Alcohol Use in Pregnancy and Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder (FASD)
Tuesday, March 18 (12–1 pm)
Presented by Courtney Townsel, MD, MS, and Kathleen Mitchell, M.H.S., L.C.A.D.C.
Substance Use Disorder ECHO Clinic: Marijuana Use in Pregnancy
Wednesday, March 19 (12:30–1:30 pm)
Presented by Courtney Townsel, MD
Providing MOUD from a Trauma-informed Perspective: Community Engagement
Wednesday, March 26 (12–1 pm)
Presented by Marik Moen, PhD, MPH, RN
About MACS: MACS provides support to Maryland prescribers and their practices, pharmacists, and healthcare teams in addressing the needs of patients with substance use disorders and chronic pain management. The MACS team of addiction medicine specialists provides expert guidance through free consultation, education, and technical assistance services. Learn more at