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Gina Artice


Active 2 years, 10 months ago
Next cancer coalition meeting is May 28th. View
  • Gina Artice posted an update in the group Group logo of Garrett County Cancer CoalitionGarrett County Cancer Coalition 5 years, 10 months ago

    Oakland, Md. – GRMC’s Cancer Navigation program was recently featured in Rural Health Models & Innovations, a national collection of successful rural health programs and interventions maintained by the Rural Health Information Hub (RHIhub).
    The GRMC Cancer Navigation Program provides a full-spectrum of support and navigation services for patients and caretakers. According to the Academy of Oncology Nurse & Patient Navigators, nurse navigators guide patients through the healthcare system and help them to overcome barriers to optimal care. The navigation of patients with cancer requires extensive knowledge, specialized skills and sound clinical judgment, which can improve outcomes. Specifically, nurse navigators at GRMC’s cancer center help patients and their caretakers develop a better understanding of the impacts of cancer treatment in addition to understanding their insurance options and cancer-related nutritional needs. They also connect patients with an array of social and community support services to address well-being, nutritional supplements and travel-associated financial support.
    “Building GRMC’s Cancer Navigation Program from the ground up has been one of the most remarkable and rewarding experiences of my nursing career,” said Gina Artice, Certified Cancer Nurse Navigator. “Rather if we are advocating on a patient’s behalf to insurers, facilitating our local cancer support group or connecting patients to financial support, it’s very fulfilling and challenging work. It’s certainly gratifying to know that we are being recognized as a benchmark for other communities as they work to expand cancer services and provide support for individuals undergoing cancer treatment.”
    During the three-year grant cycle, the GRMC Cancer Navigation program aided 450 patients and families with services. The success of the program also resulted in spinning off several cancer-centric programs at GRMC including palliative care services, survivorship program and a transportation system for patients undergoing radiation treatments. GRMC is now translating the success of the cancer-specific navigator program to two additional areas, the Well Patient Program designed for patients with multiple chronic conditions and a navigator program linked to the emergency room.
    The Cancer Navigation Program gained national recognition as a benchmark program for other communities who wish to expand cancer care services and how nurse navigators can be central to the effort, especially for implementing multidisciplinary collaboration. Additionally, GRMC’s success was also noted for addressing patient needs associated with complex chronic conditions or healthcare utilization. Nationally, nurse navigator programs have great potential leading to future process improvements in the ever-changing landscape of healthcare.
    RHIhub selected the GRMC Cancer Navigation Program because of its innovative services and impact on rural communities. To read the full project summary, visit [
    RHIhub is a national online information center on rural health issues, funded by the Federal Office of Rural Health Policy. Their website includes over 12,000 resources specific to rural health. Rural Health Models & Innovations features hundreds of successful programs that are serving rural residents across the nation.