The Local Care Team is an inter-agency council designed to provide support to families. The collaborative group unites representatives of several child-serving agencies to serve families of children struggling with […]
The priority for Behavioral Health is to foster an integrated Behavioral Health continuum of care. The integrated system shall promote Behavioral Health treatment, recovery, and wellness as access to Behavioral […]
Garrett Guide is a Community Resource Directory with the framework found at Local agencies, organizations, businesses and residents have the opportunity to provide additional detail for […]
Access the MyDATA Open Data Warehouse by selecting it under ”My Community” in the main menu.
Focus on a responsive community behavioral health approach for addressing anti-stigma efforts; sustainable housing opportunities; and opiate overdose response strategies.
Foster an Integrated and Coordinated Behavioral Health Continuum of Care across the lifespan by developing, implementing, and evaluating screening, prevention, and early intervention services.
Implement a multifaceted approach toward achieving the Goal of supporting access to quality behavioral health treatment and support services.