Garrett County Health Department’s Early Care Programs System of Care provides free voluntary home visitation services to families and children prenatally and up to age 5. Additionally, the program offers a free […]
Increase immunization rates and reduce preventable infectious diseases.
Garrett Guide is a Community Resource Directory with the framework found at Local agencies, organizations, businesses and residents have the opportunity to provide additional detail for […]
The Garrett County Drug Free Communities Coalition is the defending force for our county’s fight for the reduction and prevention of substance abuse.
Garrett County has only one local provider of medication assisted treatment who works closely with the GCHD. Providers outside of the county do not typically require patients to be in supportive therapy which is […]
Human Papilloma Virus (HPV) is an infection that affects both males and females and is transmitted mainly through sexual contact. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, there are over 150 […]
Prescription drug abuse has become an area of concern in Garrett County and the United States. Many people use prescription drugs properly, but nearly 1 in 5 Garrett County youth reported abusing them to get high […]
Tobacco use is the leading cause of preventable disease, disability, and death in the United States. Cigarette smoking damages nearly every organ of the body. Secondhand smoke also causes many serious health […]
Provide oral health education in GC Public Schools, Head Start Centers and the GC Health Fair
An integrated care approach to managing illness which includes screenings, check-ups, monitoring and coordinating treatment, and patient education. It can improve quality of life while reducing health care costs […]