We will be sharing grant resources, foundations, state & fed opportunities.
The priority for Behavioral Health is to foster an integrated Behavioral Health continuum of care. The integrated system shall promote Behavioral Health treatment, recovery, and wellness as access to Behavioral […]
WIC is a federally funded program that provides eligible children and women services geared at reducing food insecurity, improving health literacy, assisting in successful breastfeeding, and providing a portal for […]
This GCHD Dental Clinic provides dental services to children and adults. Services include dental cleanings, fluoride treatments, sealants, restorative treatment, extractions, and outpatient surgical procedures. The […]
This is the parent group for Oral Health Education and Dental Treatment. Although dental treament data is restricted to the Garrett County Health Department’s Dental Care Center it does play a critical role as a […]
GarrettHealth.org is the Garrett County Health Department’s digital footprint, designed to increase awareness of services provided and disseminate information to community stakeholders.
MyGarrettCounty.com is a community engagement collaborative implemented by the Population Health, Innovation, and Informatics unit of the Garrett County Health Department with support from local stakeholders to […]
Garrett County Health Department’s Early Care Programs System of Care provides free voluntary home visitation services to families and children prenatally and up to age 5. Additionally, the program offers a free […]
Early Care Programs System of Care offers voluntary home visiting services that empower parents, at no cost, to give their child the best beginning in life! Early Care Programs offers Healthy Families Garrett […]
To publicize the issues raised at the Garrett County Roundtable on Homelessness, promote collaboration among agencies and make the general public aware of the resources available for those struggling with housing […]
The Garrett County Health Department is the recognized Public Health agency in Garrett County, Maryland. We strive to provide the highest level of care and service to the citizens of Maryland’s westernmost county. […]
Garrett County is often the lowest county in the state for yearly adolescent well child checks. It is important for the children and adolescents of our community to be seen yearly for this preventive visit where we […]
The purpose of the Opioid Misuse Prevention Plan is to reduce easy access of prescription opiods from relatives and friends through stealing and lack of proper and safe storage and disposal of them.We also would […]
Focus on a responsive community behavioral health approach for addressing anti-stigma efforts; sustainable housing opportunities; and opiate overdose response strategies.
Did you know that Garrett County has the highest percentage (33%) of reported youth using tobacco products in the state of Maryland according to the latest data from Maryland’s State Health Improvement Process […]
The Garrett County Drug Free Communities Coalition is the defending force for our county’s fight for the reduction and prevention of substance abuse.
Play Hard, Live Clean is a continuation of the Garrett County Drug-Free Communities Coalition designed to engage local youth by means of a drug-free pledge. This campaign is based on Wait21, and is coordinated by […]
SpreadtheFacts.com is an online resource for information about marijuana including its effects on the brain, sample policies for worksites, information about Maryland’s medical marijuana law, a parent toolkit, and […]
Most breastfeeding families report not being able to meet their breastfeeding goals in relationship to exclusivity and duration. WIC provides education and support to participants, but opportunities exist to […]
Non Emergency Medical Assistance Transportation is available to all active Medical Assistance clients who reside in Garrett County and meet the screening equirements of the program set forth by the Grant. Medical […]
Foster an Integrated and Coordinated Behavioral Health Continuum of Care across the lifespan by developing, implementing, and evaluating screening, prevention, and early intervention services.
Community engagement is a vital component of public health operations. This group is designed to track, measure, and evaluate Garrett County community engagement strategies.
WIC families are encouraged to include more fruits and vegetables in their diets and family meals.
Implement a multifaceted approach toward achieving the Goal of supporting access to quality behavioral health treatment and support services.
Data is needed in order to provide effective, quality prevention services in Garrett County. During National Prevention Week 2017, Garrett County specific data will be shared. Please take the time to share your […]
The Reading Station is a 501 (c)(3) non-profit organization located in Oakland, Maryland focused on improving literacy in Garrett County by offering free functional reading instruction to children and adults.
Garrett County has only one local provider of medication assisted treatment who works closely with the GCHD. Providers outside of the county do not typically require patients to be in supportive therapy which is […]
A tobacco prevention and cessation enrollment campaign designed by the Garrett County Health Department.
Prescription drug abuse has become an area of concern in Garrett County and the United States. Many people use prescription drugs properly, but nearly 1 in 5 Garrett County youth reported abusing them to get high […]
Tobacco use is the leading cause of preventable disease, disability, and death in the United States. Cigarette smoking damages nearly every organ of the body. Secondhand smoke also causes many serious health […]
This group is for persons who are interested in faith- based drug and alcohol prevention, treatment and recovery.
”But thanks be to God! He gives us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ.” I Corinthians 15:57
Substance Related Disorder Services at GCHD
The Garrett County Health Department and its partners work to reduce youth access to alcohol and tobacco products. Strategies to do this include compliance checks and vendor education.
Funding, and therefore performance measures, for this group has changed beginning with Fiscal Year 2019.
This group has been archived. FY2019 performance measures and data for this after school program can be […]