Garrett Guide is a Community Resource Directory with the framework found at Local agencies, organizations, businesses and residents have the opportunity to provide additional detail for […]
Access the MyDATA Open Data Warehouse by selecting it under ”My Community” in the main menu.
We will be sharing grant resources, foundations, state & fed opportunities.
Using a collaborative approach to better meet the nutritional needs for our most vulnerable residents. The Garrett County Food Insecurity Workgroup is a part of the Western Maryland Food Council. The Food C […]
Focusing on issues such as food literacy and knowledge. Working with teachers, schools, University of Maryland Extension, Garrett County Health Department, hospitals, doctors, nutritionists, registered dietitians, […]
Focusing on access issues such as hunger, food affordability, food quality, and food deserts as well as security issues such as food availability, food safety, etc.
The purpose of this group is to increase communication within and between the Food Access, Education, and Economy work groups. This is a place to post new projects, have group discussions, and to see what each work […]
The purpose of this collaborative group representing multiple agencies and community members is to improve the prevention and management of diabetes in Garrett County. We’re always looking for new ideas to share, […]
Garrett County, Maryland, a rural Appalachian community bordering Pennsylvania and West Virginia, is tackling poverty through education, housing, and jobs. To meet the workforce needs of tomorrow, the county offers […]
Goal Clients served How often A partnership with Maryland Food Bank