Shelley Argabrite


Active 22 hours, 4 minutes ago
  • Shelley Argabrite posted an update in the group Group logo of Garrett County, Maryland 2017 RWJF Culture of Health Prize WinnerGarrett County, Maryland 2017 RWJF Culture of Health Prize Winner 6 years, 7 months ago

    All is welcome to a meeting being held today at 10:00 a.m. in conference room C at the Garrett County Health Department to discuss a funding opportunity passed to us from the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation learning community. This is a direct result of our county being a prize winner for 2017. Topic of discussion will be centered around ideas for innovation for children ages 0-3 and their families. More information & links from RWJF: Funding Announcement — $1 Million Early Childhood Prize
    The $1 Million Early Childhood Prize is seeking solutions to the question, “How might we maximize the every child’s potential during their first three years of life?” Join the Early Childhood Innovation Prize and submit your idea for solutions to early childhood challenges that are novel, more effective, efficient or scalable than current ones. A partnership between Gary Community Investments and OpenIDEO, the Prize enables people everywhere ~million in funding. Learn more and share your idea by December 22, 2017. See the downloadable materials: Prize Brief, Prize FAQ, Prize Evaluation Criteria. This will also be posted in DOCS within this group so we can work on it today and share it with those who may have ideas but can’t be in attendance.

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