Bob Stephens


Active 7 months, 3 weeks ago
  • Bob Stephens posted an update in the group Group logo of HPV VaccineHPV Vaccine 7 years, 6 months ago

    To accomplish the goal there are a number of barriers that need to be addressed:
    1. Anti-Stigma: There is a perception that the vaccine is only essential for those young people that may be promiscuous. There needs to be a goal providing educational material via print media, social media and outreach activities that emphasizes the risks of contracting the virus even if the person had sex with one other person who was previously active. A goal could be: “to have X number of news releases or or have X number of media hits.
    2. Cost. There needs to be accurate information regarding the cost and assistance for persons whose insurance does not cover the full cost of the immunization. Media releases need to emphasize that there is no cost for MA and what the co-pay is for those with inadequate insurance or no insurance. Goals could be 1) Secure a source of funding to assist with co-payments; and 2) A media campaign to inform the general public. 3) Provider Buy In. It seems that there are conflicting messages regarding provider buy in that could be associated with number 1 above. It is important that providers receive accurate information regarding the need, efficacy and safety of the vaccine. A goal could be to provide a training for primary care providers via “Grand Rounds” or an informational packet that could be used for lunch and learn at provider offices. This is the strategy of “big pharma”. A goal could be to provide information to all primary care practices in Garrett County by xx/xx/xxxx.

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